Sökningen fann 34 träffar

av Phouka
ons 25 mar 2015, 01:47
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Rekryterar ny grupp för att spela D&D 5.0
Svar: 1
Visningar: 8481

Re: Rekryterar ny grupp för att spela D&D 5.0

Har nu tre spelare! Vi har tillräckligt för att köra, men en eller två till vore kanon! Skicka gärna ett PM om du är intresserad eller har frågor.
av Phouka
tor 19 mar 2015, 19:57
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Rekryterar ny grupp för att spela D&D 5.0
Svar: 1
Visningar: 8481

Rekryterar ny grupp för att spela D&D 5.0

(Happy to switch to English if necessary) Jag skulle vilja sätta igång med att spelleda Dungeons and Dragons 5.0. Jag har bara spelat 5.0 i cirka åtta timmar, men har mycket erfarenhet med 3.5. 5.0 verkar vara en himla smidig och lättlärd version. Jag har en spelare hittills och letar efter 3-4 pers...
av Phouka
tor 19 feb 2015, 21:01
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Internal Corruption (D&D 3.5) Recruiting as of 2015-02-10
Svar: 51
Visningar: 98022

Re: Internal Corruption (D&D 3.5) Recruiting as of 2015-02-1

Kvälls- eller helgtid. Vi körde söndagar i höstas, men det är möjligt att vi kan byta om det hjälper oss att hitta spelare. Tisdagar och onsdagar passar dåligt för mig, men i övrigt kan jag anpassa mig. Har du någon särskild dag som skulle passa dig?
av Phouka
tis 10 feb 2015, 16:12
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Internal Corruption (D&D 3.5) Recruiting as of 2015-02-10
Svar: 51
Visningar: 98022

Re: Internal Corruption (D&D 3.5)

It's been a long time since the last session. Two of our players left the country in December, so we had a bit of a season finale. I would like to continue the campaign, but if that is to be we will need new players. The situation right now is that a brave band of heroes has killed the evil old king...
av Phouka
sön 07 dec 2014, 01:41
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Internal Corruption (D&D 3.5) Recruiting as of 2015-02-10
Svar: 51
Visningar: 98022

Re: Internal Corruption (D&D 3.5)

The session today will begin at 13:00 , as usual. Last session began with the further exploration of the ruins of Ramenos' city and realm. The party discovered a batch of very unfortunately cursed items, including a Bag of Devouring, which the new party member very tragically decided to crawl into i...
av Phouka
tis 25 nov 2014, 22:32
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Internal Corruption (D&D 3.5) Recruiting as of 2015-02-10
Svar: 51
Visningar: 98022

Re: Internal Corruption (D&D 3.5)

There will be a session this week, at 13:00 if that works. Now. You guys are starting to get up there in levels. You've done a few favours for some not unimportant people. I had one person ask if we might consider the Leadership feat to get cohorts. We'll talk about this on Sunday. Would you guys wa...
av Phouka
fre 21 nov 2014, 07:35
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Internal Corruption (D&D 3.5) Recruiting as of 2015-02-10
Svar: 51
Visningar: 98022

Re: Internal Corruption (D&D 3.5)

Reminder: No session this week.
av Phouka
ons 19 nov 2014, 03:57
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Internal Corruption (D&D 3.5) Recruiting as of 2015-02-10
Svar: 51
Visningar: 98022

Re: Internal Corruption (D&D 3.5)

Jorin got kidnapped, and returned with a little more muscle and a new religion. His dog is alive again, and totally harmless and not all of a sudden a lot smarter than it used to be. Aaand Gavin died again. This time while the rest of the party was playing cards. In a row boat. Today we learned not ...
av Phouka
lör 15 nov 2014, 20:12
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Internal Corruption (D&D 3.5) Recruiting as of 2015-02-10
Svar: 51
Visningar: 98022

Re: Internal Corruption (D&D 3.5)

We shall convene tomorrow at 13:00.
av Phouka
sön 09 nov 2014, 13:05
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Internal Corruption (D&D 3.5) Recruiting as of 2015-02-10
Svar: 51
Visningar: 98022

Re: Internal Corruption (D&D 3.5)

The party is now level 8. The Paladin remained behind for extended care. Wizard Quarian and Brave Jorin continued to explore the Underdark, and eventually found the crater of the thing that fell from the sky. It was something alive. A lump of unskinned flesh that lay quite still at the centre of the...
av Phouka
mån 03 nov 2014, 22:00
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Internal Corruption (D&D 3.5) Recruiting as of 2015-02-10
Svar: 51
Visningar: 98022

Re: Internal Corruption (D&D 3.5)

Oh yeah. Guys, on Sunday we meet at 13:00. We'll try to finish earlier in the evening, because busses and trains and such.
av Phouka
mån 03 nov 2014, 00:42
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Internal Corruption (D&D 3.5) Recruiting as of 2015-02-10
Svar: 51
Visningar: 98022

Re: Internal Corruption (D&D 3.5)

The party is now level 7. Blackwood is dead. Hearing about the widespread "infestation" in Blackwood the Izalin military swept in and murdered the entire population of the village. The party in turn killed every single soldier holed up in the village, several of whom died begging for mercy...
av Phouka
sön 26 okt 2014, 23:46
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Internal Corruption (D&D 3.5) Recruiting as of 2015-02-10
Svar: 51
Visningar: 98022

Re: Internal Corruption (D&D 3.5)

Another session complete, and the party is now level six. A possible cause has been found as to why everyone in Blackwood appeared Evil to the Paladin's eyes. Undead creatures the size of goblins stalk the woods surrounding Blackwood, attacking anyone foolish (or brave) enough to travel at night, fe...
av Phouka
sön 26 okt 2014, 12:47
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Internal Corruption (D&D 3.5) Recruiting as of 2015-02-10
Svar: 51
Visningar: 98022

Re: Internal Corruption (D&D 3.5)

I will be just a few minutes late. This is because the buss schedule offers me a choice of being three minutes late or half an hour early.
av Phouka
tis 21 okt 2014, 14:38
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Internal Corruption (D&D 3.5) Recruiting as of 2015-02-10
Svar: 51
Visningar: 98022

Re: Internal Corruption (D&D 3.5)

Sunday sounds good. Is there anyone who can't make it on Sunday?
av Phouka
tor 16 okt 2014, 00:11
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Internal Corruption (D&D 3.5) Recruiting as of 2015-02-10
Svar: 51
Visningar: 98022

Re: Internal Corruption (D&D 3.5)

Adventure! Infightning! A small child from the Plane of Shadows, which promised not to eat people! Was the Paladin right, or just paranoid again? Tune in next week, for an exciting new installment of Internal Corruption, only in Lund! The party is now level 5, and yes the Paladin broke into Luke's b...
av Phouka
mån 13 okt 2014, 20:05
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Internal Corruption (D&D 3.5) Recruiting as of 2015-02-10
Svar: 51
Visningar: 98022

Re: Internal Corruption (D&D 3.5)

Wednesday it is. 17:30 alright for everyone?
av Phouka
tor 09 okt 2014, 14:07
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Internal Corruption (D&D 3.5) Recruiting as of 2015-02-10
Svar: 51
Visningar: 98022

Re: Internal Corruption (D&D 3.5)

Great. We won't be at the usual place. We will be at Ideon Gateway, the really large, colourful building that's visible from most of Lund. We meet at 13:00 near the entrance. We have not decided on a time to break it off, so I guess we'll play until someone has had enough/needs to leave. To everyone...
av Phouka
tor 09 okt 2014, 00:14
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Internal Corruption (D&D 3.5) Recruiting as of 2015-02-10
Svar: 51
Visningar: 98022

Re: Internal Corruption (D&D 3.5)

Thank you for a good session! While not all is clear, it appears the machinations of the villainous Eska have been stopped, and the evil mayor paid with his life. Priest Caries has accepted temporary leadership in Blackwood, and has started selling off Eska's and mayor Thompson's possessions to help...
av Phouka
tis 07 okt 2014, 22:47
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Internal Corruption (D&D 3.5) Recruiting as of 2015-02-10
Svar: 51
Visningar: 98022

Re: Internal Corruption (D&D 3.5)

Alright, guys. Second session tomorrow at 18:30. This week there will be four players.