Sökningen fann 290 träffar

av God45
ons 18 dec 2013, 19:15
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Spela Dark sun nu måndagen den 16:e
Svar: 6
Visningar: 8391

Re: Spela Dark sun nu måndagen den 16:e

Rekreativc skrev:That was great fun! Thanks for including me!
Thank you for playing :) It was a really fun group to play wih.
av God45
lör 14 dec 2013, 22:26
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Spela Dark sun nu måndagen den 16:e
Svar: 6
Visningar: 8391

Re: Spela Dark sun nu måndagen den 16:e

No idea what dark sun one is, but yeah sure, I'm sure I can take it :). See you there! Nice :) See you monday :D Dark sun is post-apocalyptic fantasy where magic have destroyed the planet and the only civilisation left is controlled by the evil wizard gods that destroyed the planet. There is almost...
av God45
fre 13 dec 2013, 23:58
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Spela Dark sun nu måndagen den 16:e
Svar: 6
Visningar: 8391

Re: Spela Dark sun nu måndagen den 16:e

jeronimooo skrev:pick me pick me :D
Nice :) See you on monday :)
av God45
ons 11 dec 2013, 18:14
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Spela Dark sun nu måndagen den 16:e
Svar: 6
Visningar: 8391

Spela Dark sun nu måndagen den 16:e

Jag vill köra en Dark sun one-shot nu på måndag (den 16:e december) och jag söker spelare. Vi kommer börja spela kl 18.00. Systemet kommer vara AD&D med lite husregler (uppåtgående AC är så mycket lättare!). Inga förkunskaper behövs, anmäl dig i tråden bara om du vill spela :) I want to run a Da...
av God45
tor 14 nov 2013, 18:13
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Speltestsgruppen!
Svar: 332
Visningar: 364560

Re: Speltestsgruppen!

Hej! Är intresserad av att testa flera av de spel som ni beskriver bl.a Apocalyse world. Har köpt figurer 28mm (Apocalypse men från warlord factory) och de kan komma till användning om man ska visa var alla står i t.ex en strid. Hur gör jag för att vara med i spel i denna testgrupp? Skriver jag bar...
av God45
tor 14 nov 2013, 16:55
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Speltestsgruppen!
Svar: 332
Visningar: 364560

Re: Speltestsgruppen!

Hej! Är intresserad av att testa flera av de spel som ni beskriver bl.a Apocalyse world. Har köpt figurer 28mm (Apocalypse men från warlord factory) och de kan komma till användning om man ska visa var alla står i t.ex en strid. Hur gör jag för att vara med i spel i denna testgrupp? Skriver jag bar...
av God45
tis 05 nov 2013, 13:49
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Speltestsgruppen!
Svar: 332
Visningar: 364560

Re: Speltestsgruppen!

I am so in. Let it be the Be All End All of one-shots :D
av God45
mån 28 okt 2013, 14:06
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress
Svar: 594
Visningar: 479355

Re: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress

I got the text and I agree. See you guys thursday instead. And take care if any of you are going out.
av God45
tis 22 okt 2013, 17:11
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress
Svar: 594
Visningar: 479355

Re: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress

Nice, more skill points :)

Is acrobatics worth taking? I want to be able to do some parkour stuff, is this the skill for it? And it is the intimidation skill you use to shake people in fights? :)
av God45
fre 18 okt 2013, 16:31
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress
Svar: 594
Visningar: 479355

Re: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress

I have no way to show up before 18 and I have already called in some favours and taken on extra shifts to be able to be there at all. Sorry. And if we are going to have "the talk" I would prefere you not starting without me. So can we stick to the 18.00 timeslot?
av God45
fre 18 okt 2013, 05:55
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress
Svar: 594
Visningar: 479355

Re: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress

I didn`t want to do this post but now I am. But this was the situation: 1. The rest of the group do not know who Mal is working for. Mal starts acting weird by akting agresivly towards an friendly npc that have been enslaved by an evil Corporation. 2. The rest of the Group are weirded out by this an...
av God45
tor 17 okt 2013, 16:41
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress
Svar: 594
Visningar: 479355

Re: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress

Paladin getting rich only means he doesn't have to rely on successfully completing missions for other people to get by, it doesn't make him more powerful. Exactly. I am armed with knifes and syringes, I have less armour than last session, I have no superweapons or armour and I hate killing people. ...
av God45
tor 17 okt 2013, 15:54
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress
Svar: 594
Visningar: 479355

Re: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress

from where I stand right now, next session starts with the rest of the group having been lifted out of their beds and taken to a Stopwatch holding cell, where they get the choice to help me get rid of the Zephyr or spend a very long while in a dark and rank cell in a black and off the books Stopwat...
av God45
tor 17 okt 2013, 05:52
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress
Svar: 594
Visningar: 479355

Re: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress

Are you sure there's not another edge you'd rather take? With one Filthy Rich and two just-plain Rich out of five characters total, this group is starting to look like a bunch of trust fund babies out slumming... Well.... I would rather pick up Bedroom Eyes or some skills but I feel that I need ric...
av God45
ons 16 okt 2013, 00:21
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress
Svar: 594
Visningar: 479355

Re: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress

I will keep my Executive decision entourage suite which now have 2 armour instead of 6 but I will buy Executive Decision Underarmour and a Bombs on Broadway™ Armored Cape to bring my armour up to 4. Oh, and I will get an Black Knight Industries Kite Shield so that if we get into an full on fight I c...
av God45
fre 11 okt 2013, 23:01
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress
Svar: 594
Visningar: 479355

Re: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress

The reason that I have missed a couple of sessions is because of sickness and some re-scheduling with my internship. I am still fully committed to this campaign :)
av God45
fre 11 okt 2013, 11:32
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress
Svar: 594
Visningar: 479355

Re: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress

See you all Monday :)
av God45
ons 09 okt 2013, 22:50
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress
Svar: 594
Visningar: 479355

Re: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress

I have had a thing come up tomorrow, sorry but I can`t play :oops:

See you guys next time, good luck tomorrow.
av God45
ons 09 okt 2013, 06:27
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress
Svar: 594
Visningar: 479355

Re: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress

I would suggest we meet on thursday anyways, regardless of Dave being able to be there or not... even if he isn't, we could help out Tobias in refining his new character (has any1 heard from him?) and refine our own characters and discuss the previous 2-3 pages in this thread... I haven't weighed i...
av God45
fre 04 okt 2013, 17:32
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress
Svar: 594
Visningar: 479355

Re: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress

Glad to see you're back to your happy self, Sebastian :D
I am pretty sure that I sound a lot more dramatic in writing and my lack of nuance when writing in a non-native language makes that worse. I just had some concerns but they have more or less been put to rest now :)