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av Willard
mån 28 okt 2013, 13:52
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress
Svar: 594
Visningar: 465229

Re: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress

Can someone get in touch with Sebastian and Jeroen, in case they don't check here?
av Willard
mån 28 okt 2013, 13:26
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress
Svar: 594
Visningar: 465229

Re: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress

It's not really up to me. I've emailed Dave and asked, but don't have an answer yet. Don't know anything about Sebastian. For me either way works, I need to walk the dog anyway and don't live THAT far off. But I wouldn't trust the trains to run very well when we finish. Hopefully the buses handle it...
av Willard
mån 28 okt 2013, 13:14
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress
Svar: 594
Visningar: 465229

Re: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress

Tuesday or thursday night works for me. Would feel better to respect the storm, and not risk a hassle getting home.
av Willard
mån 28 okt 2013, 12:35
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress
Svar: 594
Visningar: 465229

Re: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress

So Obsidian Portal is down for maintenance, and there's going to be a hurricane tonight. Seriously. Do we still play and hope for the best, or what?
av Willard
ons 23 okt 2013, 11:24
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress
Svar: 594
Visningar: 465229

Re: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress

Let's go hunt that AI on Monday. I'm perfectly happy with us not fully succeeding and having VRZG become a sometimes-recurring villain. Not the equivalent of Sauron or anything, but just like it's cool to have positive contacts develop over time it's "nice" if there are some antagonists wi...
av Willard
tis 22 okt 2013, 16:41
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress
Svar: 594
Visningar: 465229

Re: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress


Remember that human 2.0's effectively have two more skill points. Not sure how well I've done with that, but I'll primarily reduce boating and then repair.

You also wanted to come up with some stats for Englewood Dynamics, how can I help?
av Willard
lör 19 okt 2013, 13:15
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress
Svar: 594
Visningar: 465229

Re: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress

I'm sure the campaign, or at least the group, will be fairly long term no matter what level and definition of grit we decide on. Individuals may come and go (myself included, as I'm not at all sure what my spring will look like), but the group is large enough to survive that. I'm also all for having...
av Willard
lör 19 okt 2013, 11:31
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress
Svar: 594
Visningar: 465229

Re: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress

Damn it! Lost another super long reply for the first time in a month or so. The page keeps logging me out every hour or so. :(

You're right about setting up a sub-forum and separate threads. Let's do it.
av Willard
fre 18 okt 2013, 22:58
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress
Svar: 594
Visningar: 465229

Re: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress

Well, as with the one-handedness, heavy weapon status and a few other things, none of the things you list now are really possible to tease out of the existing weapons. There are too many variables and too few examples. Still... Shotguns and other weapons where damage depends on range can probably be...
av Willard
fre 18 okt 2013, 21:23
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress
Svar: 594
Visningar: 465229

Re: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress

I didn't mean to subsidize dice, but rather to encourage damage rolls to generally be exactly two dice, which is the norm for the substantial majority of SW weapons. Melee weapons are almost always your Strength die plus one other die, while the large majority of ranged weapons are 2dX, not 1dX or ...
av Willard
fre 18 okt 2013, 18:31
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress
Svar: 594
Visningar: 465229

Re: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress

AP really needs to be at a lower cost, otherwise there's no reason to ever take it. (+1 damage is as good as or better than +1 AP in every situation.) Sure. There's no good way to squeeze that number out of the data, at least I haven't succeeded, but I guess +1 AP for 1 point would do. Also, I know...
av Willard
fre 18 okt 2013, 16:47
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress
Svar: 594
Visningar: 465229

Re: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress

Quite an agenda for Monday, looking forward to it! The stuff below is far better in a written form, though, and will really only be interesting for Dave. This is where I'm at, pretty much... The following all start at zero: +1 average damage, 2 points (various sources for this: die type (exploding),...
av Willard
tor 17 okt 2013, 23:11
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress
Svar: 594
Visningar: 465229

Re: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress

Sorry for all these posts, but when I account for the exploding dice (http://axiscity.hexamon.net/users/isomage/rpgmath/explode/) things do of course change a little bit. You then get approximately: +1 ROF (3 points), +1 average damage (2 points) and +6 range (1 point). Whether or not the system act...
av Willard
tor 17 okt 2013, 22:46
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress
Svar: 594
Visningar: 465229

Re: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress

About the extra dice costing so much I suspect it has something to do with the possibility of them exploding. Perhaps I should include that in the average too. Isn't the addition of more dice in full-auto linear? I suppose 3RB could be included as well, to see if it matters, but it means I'll have t...
av Willard
tor 17 okt 2013, 22:15
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress
Svar: 594
Visningar: 465229

Re: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress

Yeah, 0.8 was my guess too, but that may make it too granular to be practical. The current estimates are something like 1.5 or 1.8, which is clearly off. I imagine you would be free to pick the parameters as you choose, and thus will be less likely to overinvest in AP, so it won't be much of a probl...
av Willard
tor 17 okt 2013, 21:32
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress
Svar: 594
Visningar: 465229

Re: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress

Dropping the outlier did a lot to restore parity between damage and AP, so that's good. In fact it may have gone a little too far, implying that a point of AP is more expensive than a point of damage. It may make more sense to say that they're pretty much the same, and even include it in the average...
av Willard
tor 17 okt 2013, 21:00
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress
Svar: 594
Visningar: 465229

Re: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress

Doing that actually loses some power (not surprising now that I think of it), going down from R^2 of 0.80 to 0.72, but it looks a little simpler: log (price) = 5 + 0.03 range + 0.26 ROF + 0.25 average damage More significantly I can now add AP in without it going bonkers (even if it's p-value isn't ...
av Willard
tor 17 okt 2013, 20:48
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress
Svar: 594
Visningar: 465229

Re: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress

Nice! Does it improve the approximation any if, instead of three separate terms for die size/number of dice/bonus you use a single "average damage" term? (Just asking because my thought was to work from average damage rather than the specific mechanics of how damage is rolled. Which may o...
av Willard
tor 17 okt 2013, 20:46
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress
Svar: 594
Visningar: 465229

Re: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress

What it does tell us is that adding another damage die is about ten times as expensive as boosting the die type, which in turn is about as expensive as adding a point of bonus damage. For that price you can increase the range by 5 (of whatever unit the chapter uses), while you need twice as much to ...
av Willard
tor 17 okt 2013, 20:32
Kategori: Rollspel - Old
Tråd: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress
Svar: 594
Visningar: 465229

Re: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress

So I've got a working model for the price of weapons based on range, damage die type and number, bonus damage and rate of fire. Unfortunately the coefficients for AP, ammo capacity, weight and heavy all get the wrong signs. log (price) = 2.79 + 0.03 * range + 1.41 * dice number + 0.15 * die type + 0...