Ironjens skrev:Bokad.
Tack för bekräftelsen Jens!
Ironjens skrev:Finns det någon slags introduktion som man kan läsa tillgänglig på nätet? Jag tänker för spelsystem/setting.
Både ja och nej. Det finns en hel del info på FFGs hemsida men då får du leta igenom många previews och nyheter.
Kortfattat handlar spelet om Han Solo och Chewbaccas äventyr innan de träffar på Luke, Obi-Wan och Leia. Tänk dig lite grann vilda västern fast i Star Wars men utan tillstymmelsen till ljussabelsvingande Jedis eller mörka Sithlorder. Edge of the Empire är väldigt mycket Firefly.
Det går visserligen att spela en karaktär som "har kraften" men krafterna är mycket nedtonade och dessutom är det farligt då individer med kraften fortfarande jagas hänsynslöst av Imperiet.
Här är lite text från den officiella produktsidan: ... 232&esem=1
Grim and Gritty Adventures in the Star Wars Galaxy
Thousands of places across the galaxy exist on the Edge of the Empire where the influence of the Core Worlds’ laws and regulations are dimmed or muted. These places are populated by figures who live on the fringes of both the galaxy and its society. Such shady locations attract shady characters, but they also lure those independent thinkers and insurgents who seek to break free of Imperial law. In an Edge of the Empire campaign, bounty hunters, smugglers, mercenaries, and explorers may find themselves working alongside doctors, politicians, and scholars.
Throughout the course of an Edge of the Empire campaign, your character is likely to face all manner of difficult challenges and choices. You may be asked to help a host of escaped prisoners establish new colonies in the Outer Rim, building new lives where they conduct their business outside the grasp of Imperial law. To earn your next meal, will you be willing to work for a Hutt gangster? Perhaps you’ll double-cross your employers and have a run-in or two with hired mercenaries and bounty hunters. Will you support the growing insurgency by helping smugglers transport illegal cloning technology to Coruscant’s underworld? Will you be those smugglers?
Edge of the Empire isn’t just about adventures that take place outside the Core Worlds, it explores the lives and adventures of all those who live outside the comforts of established civilization or the law. Accordingly, you’re likely to run into characters, both good and bad, who share dark secrets, owe large debts, and have reason to run from powerful enemies. Some of them may even become your friends or allies.
Life on the outskirts is full of surprises, and your adventures in Edge of the Empire will often lead to any number of challenges, from sneaking smuggled medicine past an Imperial blockade or piloting a ship through an asteroid field in order to shake a tail to coaxing vital information out of hired thugs without starting a tavern brawl. Characters must rely on their innate abilities, trained skills, and special talents to survive.
Characters in Edge of the Empire
Everyone has debts to pay. Everyone has secrets, and everyone has the potential to do something great. In Edge of the Empire, your characters will have their chances to pursue their destinies as they’re thrust into adventure with some of the galaxy’s least likely heroes.
Character creation in Edge of the Empire works from the assumption that each character enters his or her first adventure with a history. You may play a Bothan explorer, a Gand scoundrel, a Twi’lek bounty hunter, a Human colonist, a Droid outlaw, or a character that no one but you could possibly imagine. But one truth carries across the spectrum: whoever he is, wherever he came from, your character is likely to be burdened with the baggage of some pre-existing obligations.
What caused your character to enter into the nebulous and dangerous world of Edge of the Empire. Was it a single, traumatic event? Was your character put into an untenable situation from which he had to flee? Is your character racing to pay off old debts before those debtors come calling? Your character’s obligations represent the debts he seeks to avoid or repay. They likely impacted your character’s original decision to seek out adventures and the fame and fortune they always seem to promise. And they can definitely shape the course of your character’s life.
Obligation in Edge of the Empire ties the game’s mechanics to a narrative core and help players to develop characters with rich backgrounds and deep investment in the campaign’s events.
Ni kommer alltså att porträttera diverse skumma typer med ett många gånger tvivelaktigt eller hemligt förflutet som valt eller tvingats att hanka sig fram i civilisationens utkanter bland andra laglösa figurer och skrupellösa gangsterbossar.
Ni kan välja mellan följande raser och yrken:
1. Bothan
2. Droid
3. Gand
4. Human
5. Rodian
6. Trandoshan
7. Twi'lek
8. Wookie
För mer info kring raserna kan ni använda er av Wookipedia:
1. Bounty hunter
2. Colonist
3. Explorer
4. Hired gun
5. Smuggler
6. Technician
Spelet lägger stor vikt vid er bakgrund. I Edge of the Empire är ingen oskyldig och alla har skelett i garderoben som påverkar spelet i högsta grad. Detta kallas Obligation och det diskuteras här: ... ?eidn=4013
Du kan även läsa in dig på de olika Obligations som finns att välja på här: ... gation.pdf
Här finns 10 frågor och svar om Edge of the Empire: ... ?eidn=3965
Här finns en grundläggande genomgång av tärningsmekaniken som är ganska bra: ... ics_v2.pdf
Och här är tärningsmekaniken beskriven lite mer grundligt: ... ?eidn=3976
Här går spelutvecklarna igenom steg för steg hur en karaktär skapas:
Del 1: ... ?eidn=4027
Del 2: ... ?eidn=4048
Nu har du förhoppningsvis att läsa!