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Re: Rollspel på engelska / Roleplay in English.
Postat: tis 02 apr 2013, 16:13
av God45
I have been really interested in trying Tenra Bansho Zero for a while now and my schedule just opened up unexpectedly. So if you have room for one more player I would be really intrested in playing.
Re: Rollspel på engelska / Roleplay in English.
Postat: tis 02 apr 2013, 20:17
av nDervish
God45 skrev:I have been really interested in trying Tenra Bansho Zero for a while now and my schedule just opened up unexpectedly. So if you have room for one more player I would be really intrested in playing.
Yes, you're definitely welcome to join! That makes four players, which is the number I was originally aiming for. Four players also seems to be what TBZ's author assumes as "normal" - if you've read the book, pretty much all of the examples seem to be four-player groups. (But if one more person wanders by and decides they're interested within the next week, I'm open to five, though.
Is there any particular character type you think you'd like to play? When we met earlier, Ignus sounded interested in annelidists or shinobi (I didn't think to mention at the time that you could make a shinobi annelidist...) and I'm not sure what the other two might want to go with.
Re: Rollspel på engelska / Roleplay in English.
Postat: tis 02 apr 2013, 21:35
av God45
nDervish skrev:God45 skrev:I have been really interested in trying Tenra Bansho Zero for a while now and my schedule just opened up unexpectedly. So if you have room for one more player I would be really intrested in playing.
Yes, you're definitely welcome to join! That makes four players, which is the number I was originally aiming for. Four players also seems to be what TBZ's author assumes as "normal" - if you've read the book, pretty much all of the examples seem to be four-player groups. (But if one more person wanders by and decides they're interested within the next week, I'm open to five, though.
Is there any particular character type you think you'd like to play? When we met earlier, Ignus sounded interested in annelidists or shinobi (I didn't think to mention at the time that you could make a shinobi annelidist...) and I'm not sure what the other two might want to go with.
Thank you
I have two different ideas for characters. The first (and the one I am leaning towards) is a low level failure of a Shinto Agent. The church is supposed to be this illuminati like organisation of secrative manipulators that train assasins and spies. My guy is one of the kids trained from childhood to be one of their elite operatives, that is until he was thrown out and demoted to one of the lowest ranks for being quite frankly bad at it. Sure, he is good at sneaking around and he is a surgeon with a sword. But he can not keep his mouth shut and he is unable to make up a plan that is without some terrible flaw. BUT he have a plan! He will join up with a group of the most powerful ronin he can find and when they do something spectacular he will claim credit for it within the church! That will show them! He have not given very much thought to what he will do if the group messes something up...
My second idea is to play a samurai in white armour that is light hearted, polite and intelligent when his powers are not activated and who is a raging, unstoppable monster when they are. He is enjoying the powers and the rage more and more and is steadily becoming more reluctant to stay in his human shape and all the more easily provoked into transforming. I am thinking about pushing the powers/drug addiction angle pretty hard if I play this guy.
What do you think? Do you think one of the concepts will work better in the game than the other?
Re: Rollspel på engelska / Roleplay in English.
Postat: ons 03 apr 2013, 10:33
av nDervish
God45 skrev:What do you think? Do you think one of the concepts will work better in the game than the other?
I'm keeping my plans pretty open until I know what all the PCs will be, so anything works... but the main action will kick off in a farming village with a brand new Shinto temple (built a year and a half before the Fall of Jinrai; current date is about 8 months after the Fall), so an agent could be useful for getting everyone to go there. It's not necessary, though.
Re: Rollspel på engelska / Roleplay in English.
Postat: tor 04 apr 2013, 13:49
av God45
I have stated up my failed agent character
Name: Ice of the Desert. (Because I couldn't name him snowball in hell
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Archetypes: Doctor/Healer, Kabukimono/Punk, Thief, Assassin.
Karma: 65
Body: 6
Agility: 8
Senses: 5
Knowledge: 6
Spirit: 6
Empathy: 4
Station: 3
First aid: 3
Notice: 2
Pillow arts: 3
Perform: 2
Movement: 3
Stealth: 3
Forgery: 2
Criminal arts: 2
Melee weapon: 3
Information: 3
Vitality: 12
Soul: 24
Wound track:
Light wound: 6
Heavy wound: 3
Critical: 2
Dead: 1
Goal: Protect the weak 3
Emotion: Emptiness 2
Medicine box: Plus one dice to first aid checks.
Flashy clothes
10 additional soulgems
Thief tools
Nameless: Damage +7 (Fey, wicked looking)
Scarlet-Steel Gemblade: Damage +5, RoF 3, Ammo 12
Throwing knife: Damage +2, RoF 3, Range 10m, Ammo: A Lot
Re: Rollspel på engelska / Roleplay in English.
Postat: tor 04 apr 2013, 16:34
av nDervish
I misunderstood what you meant by "failed agent" (I assumed he'd still be an agent, just not in the good graces of the Priesthood), but it looks good regardless.
I don't think anyone else has the rules, but we can definitely talk character concepts and rule/setting questions here if anyone has some. Creating custom characters by combining the standard archetypes (like God45 did) only takes a few minutes in most cases, or there are 18 complete sample characters, which are all actually usable.
Also, side detail I've been meaning to mention: If you can easily bring a tablet, laptop, etc. to the game, please feel free to do so. The rules are only out in PDF format so far, plus I've been building some play aids on my laptop which will be browser-accessible.
Re: Rollspel på engelska / Roleplay in English.
Postat: tor 04 apr 2013, 21:00
av God45
I misunderstood what you meant by "failed agent" (I assumed he'd still be an agent, just not in the good graces of the Priesthood), but it looks good regardless.
I can change my character so that he is still part of the church if that works better for the game. I am flexibel
Also, side detail I've been meaning to mention: If you can easily bring a tablet, laptop, etc. to the game, please feel free to do so. The rules are only out in PDF format so far, plus I've been building some play aids on my laptop which will be browser-accessible.
Sounds really cool
Then I will bring my Ipad with the pdfs on it.
Re: Rollspel på engelska / Roleplay in English.
Postat: mån 08 apr 2013, 20:38
av Naegi
Sorry for the late reply, I am free all tuesdays this month and can definitely be there at 6 tomorrow (the 9th). Having read through much of the two books I would really like to play a monk, the sample character works fine. I am quite flexible on backstory and sect, so we can work something out that fits with the scenario.
Re: Rollspel på engelska / Roleplay in English.
Postat: tis 09 apr 2013, 12:14
av nDervish
Naegi skrev:Sorry for the late reply, I am free all tuesdays this month and can definitely be there at 6 tomorrow (the 9th). Having read through much of the two books I would really like to play a monk, the sample character works fine. I am quite flexible on backstory and sect, so we can work something out that fits with the scenario.
Sounds good. When I was doing a little solo play over Easter, the three characters I used were the sample armour rider, monk, and samurai. I definitely ended up liking the monk the best.
Re: Rollspel på engelska / Roleplay in English.
Postat: tis 09 apr 2013, 16:04
av Ignus
I'll be there at six.
Re: Rollspel på engelska / Roleplay in English.
Postat: tis 16 apr 2013, 17:05
av Ignus
I will probably be a little late. I should be there at 18:15 at the latest.
Re: Rollspel på engelska / Roleplay in English.
Postat: tis 23 apr 2013, 13:28
av Naegi
Hi, sorry about the short notice, but i can't make it tonight, something has come up.
Re: Rollspel på engelska / Roleplay in English.
Postat: tis 23 apr 2013, 14:44
av nDervish
Naegi skrev:Hi, sorry about the short notice, but i can't make it tonight, something has come up.
Unfortunate, but not a problem. It would make sense for Shining Mountain to head back to Taisei and tell them about the bandits' defeat, regardless of what the other two decide to do next.
Re: Rollspel på engelska / Roleplay in English.
Postat: tis 23 apr 2013, 20:07
av God45
Have a nice walpurgisnacht next week and then well see each other again may seventh
Re: Rollspel på engelska / Roleplay in English.
Postat: ons 24 apr 2013, 09:24
av nDervish
God45 skrev:Have a nice walpurgisnacht next week and then well see each other again may seventh
Yes... Although I did reserve the room for Tuesday the 30th, we will not be playing on Valborg. I'm sure we all have more important things to do that evening.
Assuming nobody has problems with Tuesdays, I'll put in a room reservation early next week for May 7/21/28 (skipping May 14).
Re: Rollspel på engelska / Roleplay in English.
Postat: tis 07 maj 2013, 17:31
av God45
A thing came up at the very last minute and makes it so that I can`t play today. I am really sorry about the short notice, this thing just came out of nowhere and I have to deal with it. Sorry
Re: Rollspel på engelska / Roleplay in English.
Postat: ons 08 maj 2013, 07:09
av Mirwouk
The global thread 'Rumsbokning' is now called 'Booking Roleplaying Rooms' and is in English. It occurred to me that the number of people in DMF that do not speak Swedish very well, or at all, now may outnumber the people that do not understand English well enough to at least understand that thread, since most of the games we play are in English anyway.
We'll see if this change makes people cry out in horror or not...
Re: Rollspel på engelska / Roleplay in English.
Postat: mån 13 maj 2013, 12:16
av nDervish
Just a quick reminder for those in the game: There's no game tomorrow (May 14), but TBZ will return next week, on Tuesday the 21st.
Re: Rollspel på engelska / Roleplay in English.
Postat: lör 18 maj 2013, 17:01
av nDervish
nDervish skrev:Just a quick reminder for those in the game: There's no game tomorrow (May 14), but TBZ will return next week, on Tuesday the 21st.
OK, I lied... Something came up last night and I won't be able to make it on the 21st. Definitely the 28th, though!
Re: Rollspel på engelska / Roleplay in English.
Postat: sön 19 maj 2013, 00:15
av God45
Okej, see you then instead