Re: Savage Marches
Postat: sön 16 jun 2013, 16:14
Sounds fine to me. Besides, every good leader leads from the front anyways!
Can I assume that we are to not choose any powers at this time (basically just leaving the choice of arcane background)?nDervish skrev:For the Song character, pick an Arcane Background (any except Super Powers). The Song starts with the AB's associated skill at d6 and the related attribute at d6, all other attributes at d4, and no Edges or Hindrances.
Start with the standard number of powers for the AB. I just didn't mention that earlier because I consider them to be part of taking the AB rather than a separate thing.bladerunner_35 skrev:Can I assume that we are to not choose any powers at this time (basically just leaving the choice of arcane background)?nDervish skrev:For the Song character, pick an Arcane Background (any except Super Powers). The Song starts with the AB's associated skill at d6 and the related attribute at d6, all other attributes at d4, and no Edges or Hindrances.
Hmmm... How about if I put it this way: All my minis are on the wrong side of an ocean.bladerunner_35 skrev:Will we be playing with miniatures?
You're absolutely welcome to join in and a lack of Savage Worlds knowledge is not a problem.Arcturus skrev:Hi there Dave and the rest of you. It looks like i won't be playing much with my regular groups and trying out new things are usually a good thing so i was wondering if you got any room for me.
I really like the idea of being able to test the game and see if it fits without having to commit to a long campaign.
I haven't got the faintest idea about savage worlds other than what you have written here so if that's a problem i understand.
OK, I've put us down for the Blue Room on the 24th.God45 skrev:So monday the 24th at 18.00 then? Sounds great See you then!
Yep!bladerunner_35 skrev:I am just about done with my character. Should I post everything here?
I just took a look at those two PDFs and the characters in the first one are Seasoned (25xp, which is equivalent to about 10-12 play sessions), so don't take one of them. The characters in the second ("Old School Fantasy Heroes") are all listed as Novice (0xp), so they should be fine.God45 skrev:One good resource for character creation is premade archetypes somebody put together for fantasy and oldschool fantasy games using Savage worlds. Taking the stats from them and maybe changing a couple things around gives pretty good characters quickly. They can be found here: ... antasy.pdf
And here: ... acters.pdf
Oh, I missed that. SorryI just took a look at those two PDFs and the characters in the first one are Seasoned (25xp, which is equivalent to about 10-12 play sessions), so don't take one of them. The characters in the second ("Old School Fantasy Heroes") are all listed as Novice (0xp), so they should be fine.
If you thematically want it to be pure-psychic, I'm sure we can come up with something to keep the power level about the same. I'm very open to discussing how to adjust the effects to keep the overall power level about the same if that's the direction you want to go with it.bladerunner_35 skrev:1 I think I'll keep it physicak since it's more powerful but let me think about it.
I generally have handwaved that kind of stuff (and encumbrance as well, for that matter) in the past, but I think those kinds of details/that kind of resource management would be fairly significant in a game focused on exploration and wilderness travel in an area where you generally won't have a friendly settlement close by to stop off and restock. There's definitely something to be said for "we have just enough food left to make it back to town; do we turn back now or press on a little further and count on being able to forage successfully on the way back?"bladerunner_35 skrev:2. Well, do you handwave food and water, sleep and rain? If you do everyone will break their load limit. If you don't then it's just window dressing and I'll drop the bedroll or the like.