The door to the cold storage is wide open and it's been pretty thoroughly ransacked. There are stems and husks left from various vegetables, but that's all that remains of the food that was kept here. You also find scattered bones of small animals and, in the corner, some larger bones - you'd guess two adult humans and a child. Piled up along with them are five fresh torches and five that have been burned; a brass shield and iron sword, both of which are bent nearly in half; a wooden canteen; some ripped clothing; and a blue cloth pouch containing 13sp.bladerunner_35 skrev:I say that since we were four players each player can decide for himself which house he loots. If everyone is ok with that Enock loots house number 23.
Yes, exactly - it may give you a moment of nigh-invulnerability, but you'll have to either take an action to recast it every three rounds or else pay 1 PP per round to maintain it and those PP only return at a rate of 1 per hour, so it won't always be available. Also, if you're maintaining a power and you get shaken or wounded, you need to make a roll to keep it up, then unshake before you can recast.bladerunner_35 skrev:I am almost done with my post-session stuff. One thing struck me when I purchased advancements. I got the Armour power for my Song and this will mean that Enock gets a Thoughness of 9 (11 on a raise) which is starting to feel a little over powered. Perhaps it will be fine since there is only so long that I can power the power before my power runs out but still....
Just so we're clear, I interpret "subordinates" to mean "Extras/henchmen" for the purpose of Leadership Edges. I know I've seen an Edge somewhere whose effect is to make the effect of Leadership Edges apply to wildcards, which is why I interpret it that way, but I can't seem to find that Edge at the moment.bladerunner_35 skrev:For Enock I chose the Edge Command
That was my assumption also. When you get it back to town, you can trade it for a trained riding horse.bladerunner_35 skrev:Edit: Since Dave posted before I was done I'll comment some. Depending on you Dave I am going to assume that we (Spellbutcher) tried to catch the wild horse
About that... Three things:bladerunner_35 skrev:considering that we have all seen the power of a mounted warrior first hand now.
1) SW Deluxe p.73 says, "Animals specifically noted as being trained to fight (such as warhorses) may attack any threat to their front during their riders’ action. Untrained horses do not fight unless riderless, and even then usually only if cornered." Given how skittish horses are, that should also apply to the rider fighting, not just to the horse making attacks itself. If you're on a horse that isn't combat-trained while there's a fight going on around you, you'll need to spend an action to roll Riding each round to keep it under control. Failing this roll will result in the horse becoming shaken and fleeing in a random direction (and the rider needing to make a second Riding roll to avoid falling off and taking 2d6 damage).
2) The charge rule on p.74 states, "To be considered charging, the rider must have moved at least 6” or more in a relatively straight line towards his foe." This should probably be applied with respect to your entire move for the turn, so you have to start at least 6" away and all movement must be roughly in the direction from your starting point towards your target (although you can plow through him and keep going after the hit, so long as it continues in roughly the same direction).
3) Even without those changes, none of the rest of you could do that because, when fighting from horseback, you attack with the lower of your regular skill die or your Riding die and Spellbutcher is the only one with Riding skill. Everyone else would be rolling d4-2 to hit...
One scroll of each type.bladerunner_35 skrev:Those scrolls seems pretty powerful. Can anyone use them and how many of each was there?
By RAW, Fantasy Companion says that scrolls are tied to either the Magic or Miracles Arcane Background and only someone with that AB can use them, but I don't like how that screws all the other ABs, so I figure they should be usable by anyone with an AB, which means all Devas.
Correct.bladerunner_35 skrev:I guess that the three meter statue of a cat doesn't contain any Song?
The henchmen should each get the more-or-less-standard half-share each for combat duty, so divide by 7.5. (Shieldcatcher's share goes to his next-of-kin, funeral expenses, and/or donations to a surviving temple.)bladerunner_35 skrev:So that means we've got a total of 656 sp and 53 cp? Divided by four (I assume the henchmen don't "want" loot?) that's 164 sp and 13 cp per Deva (throwing one copper to the winds).
By my math, it's a total of 737.3 sp-equivalent (20gp * 10 + 449sp + 753cp/10 + 13sp that you found in cold storage), divided by 7.5 is 98sp, 3cp per full share.
Other than special cases like Young, RAW doesn't seem to say anything about being able to get rid of Hindrances. I'll do a little searching to see if I can find anyone else's house rules for it, but, if not, 1 Advance for a Minor or 2 Advances for a Major sounds reasonable to me, provided that it can be justified in-game. (I don't think Enock's eye is going to spontaneously reappear...)bladerunner_35 skrev:One thing I've been wondering - is it possible to "buy off" hindrances? For example by using one advancement to get rid of a minor and two advancements to get rid of a major?