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Re: Savage Marches

Postat: ons 03 jul 2013, 22:17
av God45
Of course. :D Aside from the electric leech and the scrolls, what else do you want to take? (I assume the rusty iron bar isn't that interesting to you...)
Never trust a smiling Game master! Take the iron bar! ;)

Re: Savage Marches

Postat: ons 03 jul 2013, 22:38
av bladerunner_35
nDervish skrev:I don't particularly care, but my original statement about player-made henchmen was that they would join the party in the first session(s) including the player who made them. If you want them to go out on Monday without Enock, they can/will.
Thinking about it Close Inn could be a good first mission for my hearthy brothers. Then again judging by the resistance so far there is probably a family of Ice Trolls living in the village. Anyways, let them go to Close Inn. They should make a significant addition to the party.
nDervish skrev: IOne thing I keep thinking about, but not deciding to use, is that it's fairly common to say that a 1-handed weapon is a minimum of 1 SI and a 2-handed weapon is a minimum of 2 SI. I don't think that would be a good fit with Savage Armory, though, since Armory has several options for adjusting weapon weights.

A possibility that just occurred to me: Change two-handed weapons to default to 2 SI instead of 1, then modify that normally. (Effectively, this just adds 1 to the "weight" of two-handed weapons.) Thoughts?
I hadn't checked but assumed that two handed weapons had a weight of 2 items anyways so no problem here. Especially since we're trying out the system as we go along.

Can people play on wednesday or thursday next week?

Re: Savage Marches

Postat: ons 03 jul 2013, 23:14
av God45
I can play Thursday but not Wednesday :)

Re: Savage Marches

Postat: ons 03 jul 2013, 23:28
av bladerunner_35
God45 skrev:I can play Thursday but not Wednesday :)

I do not work at all that day so am happy to begin early if possible.

Re: Savage Marches

Postat: ons 03 jul 2013, 23:39
av God45
I don`t know how early I can begin until tomorrow but I will get back to you then :)

Re: Savage Marches

Postat: ons 03 jul 2013, 23:43
av nDervish
bladerunner_35 skrev:
nDervish skrev:I'm thinking it would be good to amend it slightly so that Brawny only increases Strength and Vigor for carrying purposes, but it doesn't make you more Agile.
It's all good but then I might switch Edge from Brawny to Mercenary since Brawny do not really add to carrying capacity without extra investement in Agility. Just let me know which side you come down on.
Yeah, let's limit Brawny to only increasing Strenght/Vigor-based carrying capacity.

Before you switch to Mercenary, though, consider that, even without it affecting your ready item capacity, Brawny will always increase pack capacity, since that's based only on Strength and Vigor. With d8 Strength, d6 Vigor, and Brawny, the brothers will each have a pack capacity of 9 SI (Vigor * 1.5) with no penalties and only take a -1 penalty for each 6 additional SI (Strength * 1.5 / 2) above that, vs. 6 SI with no penalty and -1 per 4 additional SI without Brawny.
bladerunner_35 skrev:Thinking about it Close Inn could be a good first mission for my hearthy brothers. Then again judging by the resistance so far there is probably a family of Ice Trolls living in the village. Anyways, let them go to Close Inn. They should make a significant addition to the party.
OK, I'll put them back in the active party.

And I promise there are no ice trolls - it's almost spring, so the ice trolls are migrating back to the north.
bladerunner_35 skrev:Can people play on wednesday or thursday next week?
God45 skrev:I can play Thursday but not Wednesday :)
So, Wednesday, then? ;)

I definitely have time either of those days and it looks unlikely that you'd be doing anything I don't already have prepped, so we should be good.

Re: Savage Marches

Postat: ons 03 jul 2013, 23:49
av Arcturus
I can probably play on thursday evening after 16.00 or so. But we are still playing on monday right?

Re: Savage Marches

Postat: ons 03 jul 2013, 23:55
av bladerunner_35
Well cool. I was a bit miffed when I realised I work on monday but now that there's another session already on thursday I'm happy again. We just have to keep an eye on Spellbutcher so that he doesn't become to powerful!

And sorry for not making up my mind about the brothers Dave.

Re: Savage Marches

Postat: tor 04 jul 2013, 00:25
av God45
Arcturus skrev:I can probably play on thursday evening after 16.00 or so. But we are still playing on monday right?
I understood it like so that we are playing both Monday and Thursday :)

Re: Savage Marches

Postat: tor 04 jul 2013, 00:39
av Arcturus
Alright, i have now posted Sir Camwyn on the obsidian page. He is the knight character i was talking about as a potential replacement if my current character dies. I'll post a bio for him tomorrow.
Tell me if something looks of with the build or if something needs to be added.

Re: Savage Marches

Postat: tor 04 jul 2013, 08:02
av nDervish
bladerunner_35 skrev:And sorry for not making up my mind about the brothers Dave.
No problem. As long as everything is finalized by the end of Saturday (so I can update my records and make their henchman cards on Sunday), it's all good.
God45 skrev:I understood it like so that we are playing both Monday and Thursday :)
Same here.
Arcturus skrev:Alright, i have now posted Sir Camwyn on the obsidian page. He is the knight character i was talking about as a potential replacement if my current character dies. I'll post a bio for him tomorrow.
Tell me if something looks of with the build or if something needs to be added.
Double-check his skill points. By my count, you've only spent 14, so there's one more to spend. Other than that, he looks good.

You're already full on henchmen for Monday, but Camwyn can go with for Thursday's game.

Re: Savage Marches

Postat: tor 04 jul 2013, 08:39
av bladerunner_35
nDervish skrev: No problem. As long as everything is finalized by the end of Saturday (so I can update my records and make their henchman cards on Sunday), it's all good.
Ok. About those cards. Is it possible with a combat cards with just Fighting, Parry, Toughness and weapons?[/quote]
nDervish skrev: You're already full on henchmen for Monday, but Camwyn can go with for Thursday's game.
I don't mind if the brothers stay home in favour of Camwyn. I am sure Filip wants his new henchmen along just as much as I would. The brothers can join Enock on thursday.

Re: Savage Marches

Postat: tor 04 jul 2013, 09:40
av nDervish
bladerunner_35 skrev: Ok. About those cards. Is it possible with a combat cards with just Fighting, Parry, Toughness and weapons?
I'll see if I can write on the back side and put it there.
bladerunner_35 skrev: I don't mind if the brothers stay home in favour of Camwyn. I am sure Filip wants his new henchmen along just as much as I would. The brothers can join Enock on thursday.

Also, I've changed my mind about God45 buying a warhorse. On the one hand, I was a little reluctant to OK it in the first place because it's very much a specialty item and I see Eastmere as primarily a mining and manufacturing town, not a military site, so they would have been unlikely to have any warhorses around for sale in the first place. On the other, I didn't want to keep Gych from being able to continue riding in combat, so I figured it was possible, and went with it anyhow.

Then it occurred to me this morning that the odds of rolling the same random encounter (a 10 on 4d6) three times in a row were so steep that the horse you kept running into must have been something a bit out of the ordinary. Therefore, I've decided that:

a) There are no available warhorses in Eastmere that Gych can buy or trade for.
b) The wandering horse you found was a warhorse that's been wandering around since its former owner died to the Silence. You'll still need to pay 50sp for proper combat tack, but the horse itself is free and your share of the loot from Elderone will easily cover the tack. Your old horse can return to its original role as a cart horse; it didn't really like carrying a rider and, besides, nobody else has Riding skill.

I hope you're not too disappointed about not having to pay for a warhorse...

Re: Savage Marches

Postat: tor 04 jul 2013, 09:45
av bladerunner_35
Great. That means Enock can better outfit the Grim brothers! The world will tremble at their coming (or laugh hysterically when they fall dead on their face...).

Re: Savage Marches

Postat: tor 04 jul 2013, 09:51
av God45
I hope you're not too disappointed about not having to pay for a warhorse...

Re: Savage Marches

Postat: tor 04 jul 2013, 11:32
av Arcturus
bladerunner_35 skrev:
nDervish skrev: No problem. As long as everything is finalized by the end of Saturday (so I can update my records and make their henchman cards on Sunday), it's all good.
Ok. About those cards. Is it possible with a combat cards with just Fighting, Parry, Toughness and weapons?
nDervish skrev: You're already full on henchmen for Monday, but Camwyn can go with for Thursday's game.
I don't mind if the brothers stay home in favour of Camwyn. I am sure Filip wants his new henchmen along just as much as I would. The brothers can join Enock on thursday.[/quote]

Whichever is fine by me. :)

Re: Savage Marches

Postat: tor 04 jul 2013, 11:42
av Arcturus
Oh, and as for the looting: From the inventors shop I grab the tobacco, the mechanical parts, the mirror.
I'll check out house #11, the one with the paintings if it doesn't look like everythings to badly scorched (IE not good stuff left) ^_^

Re: Savage Marches

Postat: tor 04 jul 2013, 17:41
av God45
Bad news. I thought I had a morning shift the 11th but I have a afternoon shift so I dont`t get off work until 20.00. I can drive directly to DMF and be there by 20.45 but I can`t before that. I am really sorry, I was convinced that I would be able to start a lot earlier.

Re: Savage Marches

Postat: tor 04 jul 2013, 18:15
av bladerunner_35
God45 skrev:Bad news. I thought I had a morning shift the 11th but I have a afternoon shift so I dont`t get off work until 20.00. I can drive directly to DMF and be there by 20.45 but I can`t before that. I am really sorry, I was convinced that I would be able to start a lot earlier.
Excellent, that will leave us just enough time to hide the loot and take all experience! :ninja:

Nah, that sucks man. I still want to start as early as possible though and I can also play late (meaning 23-00ish). Perhaps it will be perfect for Jonaleth and Enock to check out the fourth village before Spellbutcher gets back (unless you manage both villages on monday)?

Re: Savage Marches

Postat: tor 04 jul 2013, 18:52
av God45
Nah, that sucks man. I still want to start as early as possible though and I can also play late (meaning 23-00ish). Perhaps it will be perfect for Jonaleth and Enock to check out the fourth village before Spellbutcher gets back (unless you manage both villages on monday)?
I am pretty sure we wont manage both villages on Monday. But I am sure nobody will mind if we save you a village :) We can always investigate the doll, the mines or roleplay in Eastmere if we are really quick in finishing a village.

I will show up as soon as I am done with work on Thursday. It is nice to play a character that can just come riding in with the excuse: "Save som of the glory and loot for me!" :)

Oh, and bring my dogs with you if you want them. They are great meat shields.