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Re: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress
Postat: ons 23 okt 2013, 14:35
av nDervish
jeronimooo skrev:
I think you misunderstood... Going after the AI is a necessity for Mal, there simply is no way around it... the AI going rogue and the group getting called in by Stopwatch to solve the mess they created is kind of inevitable...
I don't think I misunderstood, my point was that dealing with Zephyrus has to be the next thing the group takes on because, until that happens, Mal's not likely to be on speaking terms with them. So doing something else first isn't an option.
jeronimooo skrev:
depending on how hard/easy you make it though, we could just go over it quite fast and just consider the AI beaten and the group unified after that
But where's the fun in that?
jeronimooo skrev:
have you thought of determining a black and legal price range for the Len stealth coating for weapons yet? how does 20% (legal) and 50%(black market) and 75% (black market with high-quality - falsified license) of the weapon's price sound?
I had actually completely forgotten about it, but those numbers look reasonable to me, yeah.
Re: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress
Postat: mån 28 okt 2013, 12:35
av Willard
So Obsidian Portal is down for maintenance, and there's going to be a hurricane tonight. Seriously. Do we still play and hope for the best, or what?
Re: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress
Postat: mån 28 okt 2013, 12:45
av Rekreativc
Yeah, I don't think I'll be going out tonight... Even if it turns out to be nothing, I'd prefer to be somewhere warm and dry
I'm happy to attend on another night this week (tue-thu) if we can get organized?
Re: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress
Postat: mån 28 okt 2013, 12:56
av bladerunner_35
So no game today?
Re: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress
Postat: mån 28 okt 2013, 13:14
av Willard
Tuesday or thursday night works for me. Would feel better to respect the storm, and not risk a hassle getting home.
Re: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress
Postat: mån 28 okt 2013, 13:16
av bladerunner_35
I just need to know asap one way or the other.
Re: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress
Postat: mån 28 okt 2013, 13:26
av Willard
It's not really up to me. I've emailed Dave and asked, but don't have an answer yet. Don't know anything about Sebastian.
For me either way works, I need to walk the dog anyway and don't live THAT far off. But I wouldn't trust the trains to run very well when we finish. Hopefully the buses handle it better and the roads stay clear, but even that's a gamble we may not want to make.
Re: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress
Postat: mån 28 okt 2013, 13:26
av nDervish
Thanks for letting me know this came up here, Björn. With the email notifications from OP, I've gone to only checking DMF once a day, usually relatively early.
Anyhow, yeah, as much as I'm in favor of letting characters get badly wounded of killed, it's not so great when things like that happen to the players, so let's give tonight a pass.
From comments above, it sounds like Thursday this week should be good, and then let's plan on Monday next week after that.
Is anyone using the calendar on OP? If so, I can update that (along with the front page) later, after OP comes back up.
Re: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress
Postat: mån 28 okt 2013, 13:29
av bladerunner_35
Ok thanks, Dave. I won't make any other games this week but should be able to play monday.
Re: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress
Postat: mån 28 okt 2013, 13:52
av Willard
Can someone get in touch with Sebastian and Jeroen, in case they don't check here?
Re: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress
Postat: mån 28 okt 2013, 13:56
av bladerunner_35
I'll send a text to Sebastian. Don't have Jeroen's contact.
Re: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress
Postat: mån 28 okt 2013, 14:04
av Rekreativc
For calendar issues someone could take a look at It allows the organizer to create various types of events (repeating etc) and notify attendees using email. If they accept the event gets scheduled in whichever software the user uses (google calendar, outlook, whatever iOS uses etc).
It seems as a very practical service. I already have an account and as far as I understand it the attendees don't need an account, only the organizer.
Re: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress
Postat: mån 28 okt 2013, 14:06
av God45
I got the text and I agree. See you guys thursday instead. And take care if any of you are going out.
Re: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress
Postat: mån 28 okt 2013, 14:23
av Rekreativc
Skonetrafiken has made an announcement that it's suspending all rail traffic at 16:00 (!)
I think we've made the right call.
Re: Interface Zero: Upgrade in Progress
Postat: mån 28 okt 2013, 15:49
av bladerunner_35
Seems like it. I didn't give it any credibility and was on my way to Malmö when I heard the announcement...
Le sigh.