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Zagburn vs Yersinia 2 - Take two

Postat: sön 21 mar 2010, 00:18
av guildmaster
Zagburn - Warboss (PC,BP)
5 Nobs in trukk (Painboy)
'ard boyz trukk (Nob,PC,BP)
2 slugga trukks (Nob,PC,BP)
12 shootaboyz (BS)
3 Killa kanz (2 BS,SK)
Deffkopta (rokkits)

Yersinia - Sorcerer on bike (Warptime,Powerweapon)
5 Bikers (Mark of Nurgle,melta)
2x5 Noice marines (Doom siren)
2 Obliterators
3 Terminators (Heavy flamer)

Recon mission: Victory points, but troops in enmy deployment zone counts as double. Each player get to place two mine fileds after deployment, anywhere but in enemy deployment zone.

CSM go first.

- Look boss! Dey are back.
- Bah. Those spikiez can never stay down. Is da new trukk 'ere?
- 'Ere boss. Iz got ork motor, 440 cubic squig plant, it's got ork tires, ork suspensions, ork shocks and iz painted red.
- Fix da lighter


CSM: Bikes move to the west flank. Obliterators kill 2 lootaz.
ORK: Three trukks and the kanz move up behind center buildning. East trukk moves up into the woods. Deffkopta distracts.

CSM: Bikes bolter down first trukk, the 'ard boyz flee back throught the minefield
ORK: The remianing three trukks drive up into the east wood. Geting ready for assault. Kanz tag along.

CSM: Noice marines blow up Nob trukk. Bikes go back center.
ORK: The two last trukks blows up in the mine field. Slugga boyz pur out and charge the terminators and obliterators respectivly. Nobs try to keep up on foot.

CSM: Bikes charge and wipe nearest slugga boyz. Noice marines fail to harm Nobs. Last terminator die.
ORK: Slugga boyz charge first Noice marine unit. Nobs stuck in terrain. Kanz and deffkopta downs another bike.

CSM: Bikes charge and kill last Slugga boyz. Yersinia get crushed by a Powerclaw.
ORK: Nobs finaly reach CC and slay everything. Last and lost noice marine gets shot down by Lootaz.

- How waz da fight grim Zagburn?
- Love da mines. Big 'plosions and smoke iz alwayz fun. But da 'ard boyz confuzed me runnin back an forth. Gotta smack 'em straight.
- And get doze meks back 'ere. I need more trukks!

Deployment and final charge