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Thunder Alley Playtest volunteers

Postat: mån 11 jun 2012, 01:31
av lambolt
Well, I left you guys to your BBQ and football fest this weekend, but I spent the day today putting together my play test demo version of THUNDER ALLEY the awesome looking GMT P500 backed NASCAR style racing game featuring the cool draft movement and all the feel of oval track racing

You can see some photos here. ... dy-for-the

I am looking for potential volunteers for this, I printed out the game for 6, but I could probably print a 2nd copy (maybe not so nice, and using paper counters) if needed. I am happy to just sit and watch you play or play along if only 5 of you are interested.

I was thinking it might be cool to bring along, I will try to make a summary of the rules, but could also send on a rules book to some of you so that it will be easier to get going in the game. we can play as many laps as you like, or let different people try

Just please let me know, for some reason the "reply" feature here does not seem to work for me, so shoot me a geek mail via BGG (ldsdbomber) or (ldsdbomber) and maybe we can fix something up for one weekend (or Thursday night is your other night, right?)

Re: Thunder Alley Playtest volunteers

Postat: mån 11 jun 2012, 09:20
av Xian
The Euro 2012 will probably disrupt the gaming sessions for the next Thursdays, so I think Saturdays are your best bet. How long do you estimate the game will take?

I'm always interested in racing games.

Re: Thunder Alley Playtest volunteers

Postat: mån 11 jun 2012, 16:26
av lambolt
I will pick the rules apart to have a better idea, I don't think very long and we can just test it a lap at a time anyway, cheers mate