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Rollspel på engelska / Roleplay in English.

Postat: tor 28 feb 2013, 16:11
av Cato
Jag samt en Amerikan(Sl) söker ett par spelare till som skulle vara intresserade av att spela på engelska.
Tanken är att spela WHFRP 2nd edition men inget är satt i sten.
Vi är båda lite äldre (30+).
Båda två bor i eller väldigt nära Lund.
Hör av er här eller via pm.

We are two people looking for players wanting to participate in english speaking roleplay.
We are both "mature" (30+).
We have been discussing playing WHFRP 2nd edition but that can change if the majority of players want to play something else.
This is in the Lund/Malmö region.
Contact me here or via pm.


Re: Rollspel på engelska / Roleplay in English.

Postat: fre 01 mar 2013, 15:25
av nDervish
HI, all! For those who aren't following the "Nya SL och nya spelare" thread, I'm the originally-American GM/SL that Cato mentioned.

I've done quite a bit of GMing in the past, including two half-year WFRP 1st edition campaigns, but have been out of roleplaying for the last five years. Because of this, I figure it would be best to start out with a group of around four players, but I'm open to adding more once I've had a few sessions to remind myself of what I'm doing. So, if you'd like to join, let us know, even if we're already up to four players.

If you have any other questions about me, how I tend to run games, etc., please ask!

Re: Rollspel på engelska / Roleplay in English.

Postat: lör 02 mar 2013, 14:47
av Naegi
Hi! I wrote a PM to Cato/Charlie last week, and I would like to join the group. I have never played WHFRP, but done quite a bit of the wargaming so that would be a great choice in my opinion. I also live in Lund.

Re: Rollspel på engelska / Roleplay in English.

Postat: lör 02 mar 2013, 17:55
av nDervish
Naegi skrev:Hi! I wrote a PM to Cato/Charlie last week, and I would like to join the group.
Ah, so you're the mystery player who PMed him! Nice to virtually meet you. That gives us two players, unless there's someone else who PMed Cato that he hasn't told me about yet.
Naegi skrev:I have never played WHFRP, but done quite a bit of the wargaming so that would be a great choice in my opinion.
If you've played any of the W40k RPGs, WFRP2 is basically the same rules. If not, it's a fairly standard percentile-based "roll-under" system and you should have no problems picking up the rules very quickly.

I don't know how closely you follow the Old World's history, but I will mention that I don't keep up on it, so the Old World in my head is still the one from before Storm of Chaos. However, I've been eyeing the Renegade Crowns supplement, which covers randomly generating the shifting territories of the Border Princes, and Cato seems to like the Border Princes as well, so we're likely to end up playing in that region unless someone has a better idea and I don't think that pre- or post-Storm of Chaos makes much difference that far south.

Re: Rollspel på engelska / Roleplay in English.

Postat: sön 03 mar 2013, 17:38
av Ignus
I'd be interested in playing. I'm a long-time Warhammer nerd, both Fantasy and 40k, though I haven't played the miniature games since 6th/4th edition. I''m also familiar with a few of the 40k line of RPG's.

I live in Landskrona but getting to/from Lund should not be a problem.

The Storm of Chaos tried to bolt a cohesive story on top of a Warhammer summer campaign where every race had to do something epic and narratively it's a disaster so I usually pretend it never happened but as you said, if we're going to be playing in the Border Princes then I doubt that makes much of a difference.

Re: Rollspel på engelska / Roleplay in English.

Postat: mån 04 mar 2013, 12:53
av nDervish
OK, so that's three players, then. Excellent!

I suppose we're getting to the point of discussing the logistics of when/where/how often. I'm pretty flexible on "when" and I'll initially propose every other week for "how often", but I've got nothing for "where". I'm not in a position to host games and my impression is that DMF's roleplaying space tends to be booked solid. Using DMF's space would also presumably include membership requirements. Should we look into whether it would be possible to use DMF's space or does anyone have other suggestions?

It also seems like it may be a good idea to meet up somewhere (coffee shop or pub, probably) for an hour or three in the near future to go over things like preferred play styles, what people want out of the game, general campaign concepts, etc. in person so that I can take them into account when starting to prep the setting.

Re: Rollspel på engelska / Roleplay in English.

Postat: mån 04 mar 2013, 13:13
av ArneB
The roleplaying rooms at DMF used to be fully booked, but are free fairly often now. Getting some people in there would be great!

Re: Rollspel på engelska / Roleplay in English.

Postat: mån 04 mar 2013, 14:46
av Cato
Now we are cooking!
I dont mind becoming a member of DMF if we can use their rooms i should have become a member ages ago but alas i have been slacking.
As Dave says we reallly should meet up first,
In the mean time Naegi and ignus could send me their skype contacts via pm so we can chat(write) via that.


Re: Rollspel på engelska / Roleplay in English.

Postat: tis 05 mar 2013, 21:36
av Naegi
Yeah, using the DMF rooms seems to be the best (or only) option unless someone wants to host sessions.

I think the Border Princes would be a great place for roleplaying. Also the core rulebook and most of the supplements can be viewed for free at, there is a lot to read!

Re: Rollspel på engelska / Roleplay in English.

Postat: lör 16 mar 2013, 14:44
av nDervish
It seems to have been a bit over a week since the last reply on this thread, so I guess we can stop worrying about missing any new people who might want to jump in. Time to arrange an initial meeting, then... How about the lower level of the Espresso House across the street from Lund C station on Thursday the 21st? I can be there around 17:15 or 17:30.

Re: Rollspel på engelska / Roleplay in English.

Postat: sön 17 mar 2013, 15:26
av Ignus
Sounds good to me.

Re: Rollspel på engelska / Roleplay in English.

Postat: ons 20 mar 2013, 11:01
av Naegi
Yeah, that works for me too.

Re: Rollspel på engelska / Roleplay in English.

Postat: ons 20 mar 2013, 14:16
av nDervish
OK, hopefully we'll also see Cato there tomorrow. I've got a knee-length, dark green leather coat and will most likely have a laptop out and be working on generating hex maps if I'm the first to show up.

Re: Rollspel på engelska / Roleplay in English.

Postat: fre 22 mar 2013, 13:44
av nDervish
Ignus, Naegi, and I met up last night to talk about what we wanted to do with this game and things took a bit of a left turn... While WFRP2 is still on the table as a potential future game, we decided to start off with a Tenra Bansho Zero one-shot.

TBZ is geared heavily towards mini-campaigns that can be played in a single 5- to 6-hour session. All-day sessions are apparently the norm in Japan, but they suggest that we westerners could do the same storyline in 2 or 3 evening sessions, so I figure the TBZ one-shot should run about that long. Or maybe four sessions, given that none of us have played the system before and I'm not used to running closed-ended stories.

If anyone else wants to jump in, either out of interest in trying out TBZ or because you can try out 2-3 sessions without having to commit to a long-term campaign in English, I'm still comfortable with adding another 1-2 players now (and probably more later).

Re: Rollspel på engelska / Roleplay in English.

Postat: tor 28 mar 2013, 10:06
av nDervish
Quick update on where we're at:

- All players have oked Tuesdays as a night to play on and it appears that DMF's Blue Room should be available that night. I'm currently waiting on a response to a PM about how to go about booking it (and how to become an official DMF member). With luck, we can get that arranged and start playing within the next 2-3 weeks.

- I've read about 90%+ of both the world and the setting books. They are full of much goodness.

- I'm set up to do some solo play over the weekend with the Mythic GM Emulator, which I expect to be amusing ("So a samurai, a mecha pilot, and a Buddhist monk walk into a bar..."), although TBZ is designed to really emphasize player-to-player interaction, so I don't expect it to be a particularly good system for solo gaming. Still, even if that causes issues, it should get me familiar with the mechanics.

Re: Rollspel på engelska / Roleplay in English.

Postat: tor 28 mar 2013, 10:18
av Skarpskytten
nDervish skrev:I'm currently waiting on a response to a PM about how to go about booking it (and how to become an official DMF member).
Temporary bookings can be made here:

Re: Rollspel på engelska / Roleplay in English.

Postat: tor 28 mar 2013, 20:02
av nDervish
Skarpskytten skrev:
nDervish skrev:I'm currently waiting on a response to a PM about how to go about booking it (and how to become an official DMF member).
Temporary bookings can be made here:
Thanks! I had assumed that it would need to be cleared with Mirwouk first.

So, then, for those who are playing: Would you prefer a first session on April 9 or April 16?

Re: Rollspel på engelska / Roleplay in English.

Postat: lör 30 mar 2013, 12:19
av Skarpskytten
nDervish skrev:Thanks! I had assumed that it would need to be cleared with Mirwouk first.
Nah, not to my knowledge. Just make sure that there isn't a permanent booking for that day. (I don't us my friday night booking, so feel free to use that one).

Re: Rollspel på engelska / Roleplay in English.

Postat: lör 30 mar 2013, 16:50
av Ignus
The 9th would work for me. I'm not 100% certain since I don't get my new job schedule until the 8th but I should be good.

Re: Rollspel på engelska / Roleplay in English.

Postat: mån 01 apr 2013, 18:32
av nDervish
Ignus skrev:The 9th would work for me. I'm not 100% certain since I don't get my new job schedule until the 8th but I should be good.
Having received no objections to the 9th, I've put us down for the Blue Room on April 9, 16, 23, and 30.

Can everyone be there by 6 or so? That should give us time to get ourselves together and start playing by 6:30ish.