Missions about objectives (courtesy of Leonard "Vash" Dime")

Warhammer 40k, Warzone och allting som rör krig med målade arméer.
Användarens profilbild
Auxilia - Tvångsrekryterad
Auxilia - Tvångsrekryterad
Inlägg: 1196
Blev medlem: lör 31 mar 2007, 12:08
Namn: Björn Söderström
Ort: Landskrona

Inlägg av bladerunner_35 »

För ett tag sedan upptäckte jag hur fantastiskt mycket roligare 40K blir om man spelar uppdrag som fokuserar på att ta och hålla objektiv. Även om en del arméer visserligen fungerar bäst på avstånd tycker jag det skapar en balans i spelet men kanske framför allt skänker matcherna en ytterligare taktisk nivå. För de som ännu inte prövat så rekommenderar jag det å det bestämdaste.

Uppdragen nedan är gjorda av Leonard "Vash" Dime från Utopia och jag har fått hans tillstånd att lägga upp dem här. Dessa uppdrag är även balanserade så att det ska vara just objektivpoängen som avgör vem som vinner, och inte i första hand victory points. Något som inte alltid är fallet.

Uppdragen, särskilt de sista, kan behöva finputsas något. Som synes är till exempel avstånden väldigt specifika för Utopias bord. Jag hade tänkt att avstånden istället kunde ändras från att mätas från bordskanten till att mätas från motståndarens uppställningsområde (jag har aldrig förstått varför det inte är standard). Är det någon som vet vad det "ska" vara, 24 "?

Ancient secrets

Mission Objective
Your mission objective is to locate and hold two crucial positions. These positions contain two beacons that will home in on the ancient secrets of technology somewhere in the area. Once you’re at the beacons, use your instruments to home in. Unfortunately, the enemy in this region has this information too. If they are present in the area or if they have uncovered the information you must push them back and retake it.

There are two mission objective markers on the battle field. One mission marker is placed 11,5” from the short edge, and 23,5” from the long side. The other marker is placed like the other but next to the other short side.
The markers are treated as impassable terrain.

Long sides, 11,5” in from the long side.
Choosing sides: Each player rolls a dice. The player who rolls the highest may choose a side to deploy in and also starts deploying
Deplyment order: Heavy, troops, elite, HQ, fast

Starting the game and ending the game
Each player rolls a dice. The player who rolls the highest can chose whether to go first or second. The game lasts for six rounds.

Special rules
Deep strike, infiltrate, victory points, night fight*, mission objectives

* Night fight = night fight during the first round of the game.

Mission objectives
• Infiltrators may not deploy units within 6” of the objective marker.
• To claim an objective, a scoring unit must be within 3” of it.
• Only round 2 and forward is counted for objective claiming
• At the end of each round, counting from round 2 and forward, check both markers. The player with the most scoring units, if any, receives one objective point for each marker he controls. Meaning if both players control one each, they receive one objective point each. If one player controls both, then that player receives two objective points.
• There is a maximum of six objective points to receive. So once you reach six objective points you can’t receive more.
• If you control more objective markers than your opponent and you have reached six objective points, you can negate the opposing players acquired objective points. For each objective marker you control you negate one objective point for you opponent. Example: In the end of round six, you control both markers and have six objective points. You opponent has three objective points. You can’t get more objective points as you have reached the maximum, BUT instead you negate two points from your opponent. Meaning he will lose two of his acquired three points. Leaving him with only one.

Tournament points
• Up to 6 points of objective points, as described in the special rules.

• 1 point per 25 % of victory points you receive, up to a maximum of 3 points.
• 1 point for taking out the dedicated army leader.

Recover the prisoner

Mission objective
Three prisoners have been placed on the battle field, and these prisoners are of great importance. Why they have been placed on the battle field, no one knows. But who ever placed them there knows that we and our enemy are both very interested in recovering them. Get those prisoners before our enemy gets to them. Use necessary force to get them back.

Place three markers to represent the prisoners along the centreline between the players deployment zones (long side deployment).
Place the first 12” in from the left short side, the next one 24” from the first, and the last 24” from the second.

Both players rolls a dice, the player who scores the highest may chose where to deploy. Then roll a dice again, and the player who scores the highest may chose who is going to deploy first.
Deployment zone is 17,5” in from the long sides. There is also an 18” pushback. Meaning, no enemy unit may deploy within 18” from each other.
Deployment order:
HQ, troops, elite, fast, heavy

Starting the game and ending the game
Each player rolls a dice, the player who scores the highest may chose to either go first or last. Random game length after round five.

Special rules
Deep strike, victory points, random game length, eclipse*

• Eclipse = night fight. Roll a dice, and the number shown is the round that night fight occurs for one round.

• The prisoners are counted as impassable terrain, but can be moved by units or characters.
• To recover a prisoner, a unit or character must end some kind of movement on the prisoner. Movement phase, shooting phase (fleet of [insert word]), massacre move, consolidate move., assault move (wwhen attacking a close by unit only)
• You may not charge or assault the prisoner. Only time you can do that is if there is an enemy unit right next to it, and who doesn’t already control the prisoner. Meaning, normal rules for assault applies. You must assault an enemy unit but may divert some of your unit members to engage other units, in this case the prisoner. If this is done, the model assaulting the prisoner may not participate in the assault on the enemy unit.
• Moving the prisoner is simple. It moves with the unit.
• If the unit or character with the prisoner starts fleeing, the prisoner is left behind where they started to flee.
• If the unit is destroyed, the prisoner is dropped at the place the unit got destroyed.
• Vehicles may not pick up the prisoners. Prisoners may ride a transport but must be with a unit or a character to do so.

Tournament points
• 1 points for each prisoner controlled by a scoring unit.
• 2 points for each prisoner who is taken into own deployment zone and in control of a scoring unit.

• 1 point per 25 % victory points you receive, up to a maximum of 3 points.
• 1 point for taking out the dedicated army leader.


Urban assault

Mission objective
Our enemy has two command posts in this region. We want you to knock them out before our upcoming battle. We too have some command posts. Protect these as they are important for our upcoming battle.

The battle field in divided into quarters. In the centre of each quarter there is a marker placed. This marker is representing the command post bunker/radio/or similar. These markers are treated as impassable terrain.

Both players rolls a dice. The player who rolls the highest may chose a quarter to deploy in. The opponent gets the opposing quarter.
Roll a dice again and the player who scores the highest may chose who will deploy first.
Deployment zone:
Quarters, but no unit may deploy within 6” of the centre. Also, pushback is used here. No enemy unit may be within 18” of each other.
Deployment order:
Heavy, troops, elite, HQ, fast

Starting the game and ending the game
Each player rolls a dice, the player who scores the highest may chose to go first or last. The game last for six rounds.

Special rules
Dusk till dawn, infiltrators*, deep strike, victory points

* Infiltrators notes, infiltrators may not charge the objective markers the first round

Command posts/Radio/or Similar
• Each player has two of these. One primary and one secondary. The primary is the one in your deployment zone. The secondary is the next marker that is closest to your deployment.
• To destroy a marker from the enemy, simply charge it. Each unit, and character receives only one attack towards the marker each time they attack it. Meaning, a full unit of 10 close combat warriors make one attack together on the marker.
• The marker is destroyed on a result of 3 or greater.
• If the marker is not destroyed, the unit assaulting it is counted to be free to shoot at. It is not involved in combat. If the marker is destroyed, the unit may not consolidate or anything. The marker is treated as a vehicle once destroyed. Meaning no movement after its destroyed.
• The marker can only be destroyed by assaulting it. Meaning no shooting.
• If the markers are not destroyed by the end of the game, you can “control” the enemy’s markers instead. This is done by having more scoring units within 6” of the marker.

Tournament points
• 1 point for controlling the secondary marker at the end of the game
• 2 points for destroying the secondary marker
• 2 points for controlling the primary marker at the end of the game
• 4 points for destroying the primary marker

• 1 point 25 % victory points you receive, up to a maximum of 3 points.
• 1 point for taking out the dedicated army leader.


The saboteur

Mission Objective
Your mission commander is to get our saboteur into enemy lines. Problem is that the enemy are planing on the same thing. If possible, locate the enemy saboteur and neutralize him/her/it. For extra safty, you are granted a small tactical force to protect the saboteur.
Secondary objective is to hold the sector A3 Zulo.


Standard terrain. In the middle a objective marker is placed. This is the objective to hold in round 6, A3 Zulo.

Long sides, 11,5” in from the long side. Choosing a side:
Each player rolls a dice. The player who rolls the highest may choose a side to deploy in., and also starts deploying
Deplyment order:
Heavy, troops, elite, HQ, fast

Starting the game and ending the game
Each player rolls a dice. The player who rolls the highest may chose who goes first. Game lasts for six rounds.

Special rules
Deep strike, infiltrate, victory points, saboteur

- Saboteur
• Is an independant charactor
• Has the following stats: WS/BS 4, S/T:3, W:2, I:4, A:2, Ld:9 Sv:5+/5+iv
• Is equiped with power weapon, and a ranged pistol: Range: 15", S:4, AP:3
• Is inspiring, meaning the unit he joins becomes fearless (due to the honour to protect him/her/it.), note that the saboteur isnt fearless on his own.
• Fleet of foot/claw/etc
• Allways on the move, meaning he counts as moving in all movment phases, even if he hasnt moved physically.
• Claustrofobic, the saboteur wont ride any vehicles!
• Dodge, meaning he has a 5+ invunrable save.

Tournament points
• 2 points for holding sector A3 Zulo at the end of round 6 (controll area is 6" from the middle of the objective marker).
• 1 point for moving your saboteur into the opponents deployments zone.
• 2 points for moving the sabotuer of the table edge via the opponents table edge.
• 1 point for inflicting a wound on the opposing saboteur.
• 2 points for killing the opposing saboteur.

• 1 point per 25 % victory points you receive, up to a maximum of 3 points.
• 1 point for taking out the dedicated army leader.


Black Thunderbird Down

Mission Objective
Your mission commander is to gather information from the crashed Thunderhawk in Mortaris 8 region. From what we know there are three locations with parts of intrest. Make haste to this location and retrive what ever information and parts you can get. If an opposing force would show up, neutralize them!

Standard terrain.
Objectives (critical locations) are placed in the middle between the longsides of the table.
The first objective is placed 12" from the shor side. The second is placed 12" from the right short side. The third one is placed in the middle of the battle field.

Long sides, 11,5” in from the long side (Make sure there is atleast 24" betwen the armies). Choosing a side: Each player rolls a dice. The player who rolls the highest may choose a side to deploy in. There after, roll a dice each. the player who scores the highest may decide who starts deploying.
Deplyment order: Fast, Elite, Troop, HQ, Heavy

Starting the game and ending the game
Each player rolls a dice. The player who rolls the highest may chose who goes first. Game lasts for six rounds.

Special rules
Deep strike, infiltrate, victory points, Random game length*, Critical locations

* Random game length starts after round 6. On a roll of 4 and higher one additional round is played.

- Critcal locations
• Critical locations have a control area of 6", measured from the centre of marker. At least one model from a unit must have its whole base within this area.
• At the end of round 2, after the last players turn, one of the critical locations, close to the short sides, will be revealed. Roll a die to decide which one of them it is. The player with most scoring units in its control area, will gain one objective point.
• At the end of round 3, the same critical point might explode. Roll a die, and on a result of 4, 5, 6 it explodes. Othervice the critical location is stable.
• If the critical location is stable, the player with most scoring units in its control area gains an objective point.
• If the critical location explodes, all models, even those partially covered, are caught in the explosion. All infantry (those with armour saves) takes one hit automaticaly and are wounded on a dice roll of 4 or higher. The explosion has a AP value of 1. If a player has one or several infatry (not vehicles) exposed in thi manner, the player gains 1 objective point. This is due to a heroic act to stand in the mids of the explosion. Note that even independant charactors can collect objective points from the explosion, and that both players can get objective points in round 3.
• Round for the second criticl location is revealed (the other short side). Same procedure here as with the first.
• Round 5, same as the first critical location. It might explode.
• At the end of round 6, the last critical location is revealed. the one in the middle.
• If there is a round 7, it WILL explode.
Tournament points

• 1 objective point for each short side critical location held at given round (2 and 4).
• 1 objective point for each short side critical location held, if the critical location doesnt explode at the end of the given round (3 and 5)
• 2 objective points for controlling the middle critical location at the end of round 6.
• 1 objective point for beeing exposed to the explosion from the middle critical location (note that your total score of objective points cannot go past 6!)

• 1 point per 25 % victory points you receive, up to a maximum of 3 points.
• 1 point for taking out the dedicated army leader.


Capture the flag

Mission Objective
There has been a big dog fight between aircraft fighters. Alot of the fighters of course has crashed. Your mission commander in this mission is to collect the black boxes or pilots from the crashed aircraft fighters.

Standard terrain.

Each player rolls a dice. The player who scores the highest may chose which player shall chose quarter first. There after, the player who got the opposing quarter decides who starts deploying.
Quarters. 18,1" push back.
Deplyment order: Heavy, troops, elite, HQ, fast

Starting the game and ending the game
Each player rolls a dice. The player who rolls the highest may chose who goes first. Game lasts for six rounds.

Special rules
Deep strike, victory points, night fight, markers

*Night fight = night fight the first round.

- Markers
• After the deployment of units, each player rolls a dice each. the player who scores the highest may decide who will go firt in deploying their objective markers.
• The markers may not be placed in your own deployments zone. It is okey to place them in the opponents deployment zone.
• Also the markers must be atleast 10" from your own deployments zone, 10" from any table edge, and other 10" from any other markers.
• To claim a marker, an infantry model (of any type) must end any movement on the marker.
• You may NOT assault the marker.
• When calculating objective points, only scoring units can claim objective points.
• For each marker that the opponent controls that is yours, you lose one objective point (note that an independant charactor can control a marker!)
• A unit/charactor may at the end of the turn drop a marker if they wish.
• If a unit/charactor is killed, the marker is placed where the unit/charactor died.

Tournament points
• 1 point for each of your own markers you control
• 2 points for each opposin marker you control
• Can only get a maximum of 6 objective points

• 1 point per 25 % victory points you receive, up to a maximum of 3 points.
• 1 point for taking out the dedicated army leader.


Bonny and Clyde

Mission Objective
Two wanted criminals have finaly been spotted. They have this time stolen information of our defences, and are going to sell it to the highest bidder.
Your objective is to capture them both and bring them to justice. Recover their vehicle is also an important task, as they might have stored the information there.

Standard terrain. In the middle a objective marker is placed.

Long sides, 11,5” in from the long side.
Choosing a side: Each player rolls a dice. The player who rolls the highest may choose a side to deploy in, and also starts deploying
Deplyment order: Heavy, troops, elite, HQ, fast

Starting the game and ending the game
Each player rolls a dice. The player who rolls the highest may chose who goes first. Game lasts for six rounds.

Special rules
Deep strike, infiltrate, victory points, Bonny and Clyde

Bonny and Clyde
• At the start of the first players turn, Bonny and Clyde starts running. Roll seperatly 2 D6 + a scatter dice. The indicated result is how far Bonny and Clyde runs. If a hit is rolled, effected model doesnt move.
• Bonny and Clyde have the same stats as an Imperial guardsman.
• To capture Bonny or Clyde, end any movement in base contact with them.
• You may NOT assault them (not even when assaulting en enemy unit). If you try they get a free movement
• Once in your possesion, the unit/charactor may not use any special movements (such as jump packs), and may not use transports.
• If the unit that controls Bonny or Clyde, dies Bonny or Clyde recives a free movement.
• You may NOT shoot Bonny and Clyde, untill its round 5.
• Only scoring units may recive objective points for Bonny and Clyde

Tournament points
• 1 objective points for each wanted criminal in control outside your own deployment
• 2 objective points for each wanted criminal you control if you have them inside your own deployment.
• 2 objective points for controling the middle marker (its control area is 6")
• -1 objective point for each wanted criminal you kill

• 1 point per 25 % victory points you receive, up to a maximum of 3 points.
• 1 point for taking out the dedicated army leader.
"There is nothing else. Existence is random, has no pattern save what we imagine after staring at it to long."

The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt.
Användarens profilbild
Auxilia - Tvångsrekryterad
Auxilia - Tvångsrekryterad
Inlägg: 142
Blev medlem: mån 05 mar 2007, 02:20
Namn: Kasper Ornstein Mecklenburg
Ort: Lund

Inlägg av Chasper »

Det här är alltså samma sak som RoE (Rules of Engagement). GF 2005? (Giant Fanatic i Köpenhamn) spelade med ett liknande system och LinCon i år lika så. Tycker RoE verkar ha mer uttänkta missions.
Sticks and stones will break your bones, but a twenty feet fall will kill you all.

Idle hands are the Devil's playground.
Användarens profilbild
Auxilia - Tvångsrekryterad
Auxilia - Tvångsrekryterad
Inlägg: 1196
Blev medlem: lör 31 mar 2007, 12:08
Namn: Björn Söderström
Ort: Landskrona

Inlägg av bladerunner_35 »

Chasper skrev:Tycker RoE verkar ha mer uttänkta missions.
Perfekt, var kan man hitta dem?
"There is nothing else. Existence is random, has no pattern save what we imagine after staring at it to long."

The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt.
Användarens profilbild
Auxilia - Tvångsrekryterad
Auxilia - Tvångsrekryterad
Inlägg: 4743
Blev medlem: lör 03 mar 2007, 11:30
Namn: Erik Lindholm
Ort: Banjoland

Inlägg av Elrik »

Maestro of the lol-orgel.
Den inre röven. /Poesi by Ilg
Användarens profilbild
Auxilia - Tvångsrekryterad
Auxilia - Tvångsrekryterad
Inlägg: 1196
Blev medlem: lör 31 mar 2007, 12:08
Namn: Björn Söderström
Ort: Landskrona

Inlägg av bladerunner_35 »

Jag har sett de reglerna och det finns en del intressanta detaljer. Exempelvis att spelarna oftast får olika uppdrag. Samtidigt gör splittringen i de olika uppdragen och olika "special rules" (som att bara en får använda sig av Deep strike) och slumpmässiga objektiv att dessa regler inte ger samma fokus. Dessutom har de ett mer "platt" system för att bestämma vinnaren. Något jag gillar med Leos poängsystem är att det ofta, blir strid på kniven om varje enskilt poäng.

Jag har inte prövat detta systemet ännu så ovanstående är bara gissningar från min sida. Det kanske går att lägga ihop systemen för att få ett super system med det bästa från båda världar? Är det någon som verkligen spelat Rules of Engagement och har lust att utveckla dess fördelar och nackdelar?
"There is nothing else. Existence is random, has no pattern save what we imagine after staring at it to long."

The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt.
Användarens profilbild
Auxilia - Tvångsrekryterad
Auxilia - Tvångsrekryterad
Inlägg: 142
Blev medlem: mån 05 mar 2007, 02:20
Namn: Kasper Ornstein Mecklenburg
Ort: Lund

Inlägg av Chasper »

@ Lorentzon: Necrons har jäkligt mycket fördelar och att de har få scoring units och att de phasar i princip deras enda två nackdelar. I helthet är Necron en riktigt bra armé. Man kan inte få allt :P
Sticks and stones will break your bones, but a twenty feet fall will kill you all.

Idle hands are the Devil's playground.
Användarens profilbild
Auxilia - Tvångsrekryterad
Auxilia - Tvångsrekryterad
Inlägg: 1196
Blev medlem: lör 31 mar 2007, 12:08
Namn: Björn Söderström
Ort: Landskrona

Inlägg av bladerunner_35 »

Efter att ha testat Rules of Engagement från GWs hemsida tycker jag helt klart att den ganska stora slumpmässigheten i det systemet skapar obalans i matcherna. Framför allt att spelarna får sätta ut objektiven själva och att man sedan slår fram uppdragen kan göra att det blir väldigt skevt. Möjligen balanserar detta ut sig över ett större antal matcher (jag har enbart spelat två stycken med detta systemet) men eftersom det mestadels handlar om pickup games, i alla fall för mig, fungerar det inte.

Det skulle vara intressant att höra vad andra spelare föredrar. Själv har jag alltid tyckt att uppdragen i regelboken är ganska tråkiga och när jag prövade på några av uppdragen ovan tyckte jag hela spelet blev mycket roligare och mer taktiskt.
"There is nothing else. Existence is random, has no pattern save what we imagine after staring at it to long."

The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt.
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