I'm not quite sure about the system and so on, thanks for the pointers. I did try to make some changes, but also have some questions (naturally, since I dont know the first thing about how the system really works

As I understand it, both the host and the Song now have powers based on their arcane backgrounds, and power pools. Are these pools entirely separate and can only be used for their respective powers, or a general pool used for both sets of powers? In that case, is the general pool (if it works that way) 10 or 20 points? I got from your post that the Wizard edge only works for the hosts powers.
I chose the arcane background for the Song as well, and changed my major Hindrance to "elderly" seeing as I described him as elderly in the background. That also gives me some skillpoints to use for the spellcasting skill on the host that you mentioned.
I changed the stats around a bit and chose some powers that I thought were thematic and useful on the song. I'm not sure how the trappings for the powers work, i.e. which powers should have them and which benefits should apply. Maybe something we can discuss?
Character v2;
Song Character: The song of Endings
Song; Carina Round – For everything a reason
Arcane Background: Magic (Backlash; if roll 1 on spellcasting die = Shaken)
Powers: Boost/Lower Trait, Deflection (Darkness/Shroud), Burst (Light/Beam)
Power Points: 10
Agility: d4
Smarts: d6
Spirit: d4
Strength: d4
Vigor: d4
Spellcasting: d6
Host Character: Gamrell
Agility: d4 Charisma: +0
Smarts: d8 Pace: 5
Spirit: d4 Parry: 7 (+1 for staff)
Strength: d4 Toughness: 7 (+1 for leather armor)
Vigor: d8
Knowledge [Arcana]: d10
Spellcasting: d10
Fighting: d8
Stealth: d4
Survival: d4
Notice: d6
Persuasion: d4
Powers: Summon Ally, Analyze Foe, Bolt (Fire/Flammable)
Familiar (Raven)
Arcane Background
All thumbs, Cautious, Elderly
Staff: str+d4, Parry +1, Reach 1, 2 hands, 2SI [Cost 10]
Leather Armor hauberk: +1 Armor, 2SI [Cost 50]
Backpack/pack animal bags [Cost: 50]
Lantern [Cost: 25]
“Standard assorted adventure gear”: Gifted by villagers within reason
Common clothing, including warm winter clothes, belts, boots, minor carrying pouches etc
Avarice “Avvy” (also known as “you stubborn bastard”): Gnarled and ill-tempered Mule. Carrying capacity, 32 SI [Cost: 150]