Well, he only suggested giving that special ability to some enemy wildcards, not all of them. (If they all got it, then how would you ever get Glory bonuses for one-shotting a wildcard with a called shot to the head? That's good for +5 or +6 on the Glorious Deeds Table, plus another 1 or 2 Glory for the person who did it!) I don't think I'd use that ability much, if at all, partly out of fairness and partly because I've seen other suggestions for keeping "boss" wildcards from going down in one hit which are far more evil than simply giving them a Soak roll...God45 skrev:The only part that I don't like is that enemys can be given soaking. If we can be instantly decapitated from a critical hit I want to be able to do the same to enemy wildcards.

Fair enough.God45 skrev:Not crazy about this. I hate being less effective more than I hate dying. I know myself and if this would happen I would like to instantly retreat to town for half a week no matter what is going on. So I would ratter not have to deal with lasting wounds.1) The "Lasting Damage" rule proposed at http://www.peginc.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=392025 I like it. Basically, healing doesn't make Wounds go away completely, it converts them into Fatigue levels (which recover at a rate of 1 per day).
So here's what I like about the Lasting Wounds rule: As it stands, healing feels too effective to me. Get into a fight, get Incapacitated, and, unless you actually die from your Wound(s), you're good as new, as if nothing had ever happened, either more-or-less immediately after the fight ends (if you get a Healing potion) or 10 minutes later (if someone uses Healing skill).
Come to think of it, that's really the only case where it bothers me. For a wildcard who takes 3 Wounds, but isn't Incapped, I'm perfectly fine with them bouncing back immediately.
Given that, and taking another look over the injury/incapacitation rules for both Wildcards and Extras, how would you feel about this instead?
- Extras who survive Incapacitation must roll on the Injury Table, the same as Wildcards.
- Amend the "Success" and "Raise" results on the Incapacitation (SW Deluxe p.68) table to:
Success: Roll on the Injury Table. The Injury goes away when all wounds are healed and you have made at least one successful Natural Healing roll.
Raise: Roll on the Injury Table. The injury goes away in 24 hours, or when all wounds are healed, whichever is longer.