Savage Marches

Allting som har med gammalt hederligt pappersrollspel att göra.
Custos Castrorum - Nyckelbärare
Custos Castrorum - Nyckelbärare
Inlägg: 367
Blev medlem: tis 04 dec 2012, 11:50
Namn: Dave Sherohman
Ort: Lund

Re: Savage Marches

Inlägg av nDervish »

God45 skrev:The only part that I don't like is that enemys can be given soaking. If we can be instantly decapitated from a critical hit I want to be able to do the same to enemy wildcards. :)
Well, he only suggested giving that special ability to some enemy wildcards, not all of them. (If they all got it, then how would you ever get Glory bonuses for one-shotting a wildcard with a called shot to the head? That's good for +5 or +6 on the Glorious Deeds Table, plus another 1 or 2 Glory for the person who did it!) I don't think I'd use that ability much, if at all, partly out of fairness and partly because I've seen other suggestions for keeping "boss" wildcards from going down in one hit which are far more evil than simply giving them a Soak roll... :twisted:
God45 skrev:
1) The "Lasting Damage" rule proposed at I like it. Basically, healing doesn't make Wounds go away completely, it converts them into Fatigue levels (which recover at a rate of 1 per day).
Not crazy about this. I hate being less effective more than I hate dying. I know myself and if this would happen I would like to instantly retreat to town for half a week no matter what is going on. So I would ratter not have to deal with lasting wounds.
Fair enough.

So here's what I like about the Lasting Wounds rule: As it stands, healing feels too effective to me. Get into a fight, get Incapacitated, and, unless you actually die from your Wound(s), you're good as new, as if nothing had ever happened, either more-or-less immediately after the fight ends (if you get a Healing potion) or 10 minutes later (if someone uses Healing skill).

Come to think of it, that's really the only case where it bothers me. For a wildcard who takes 3 Wounds, but isn't Incapped, I'm perfectly fine with them bouncing back immediately.

Given that, and taking another look over the injury/incapacitation rules for both Wildcards and Extras, how would you feel about this instead?
  • Extras who survive Incapacitation must roll on the Injury Table, the same as Wildcards.
  • Amend the "Success" and "Raise" results on the Incapacitation (SW Deluxe p.68) table to:
    Success: Roll on the Injury Table. The Injury goes away when all wounds are healed and you have made at least one successful Natural Healing roll.
    Raise: Roll on the Injury Table. The injury goes away in 24 hours, or when all wounds are healed, whichever is longer.
(The italicized portions are the changes from RAW.)
I post in English, but can read Swedish. When replying to me, either language works.
Användarens profilbild
Auxilia - Tvångsrekryterad
Auxilia - Tvångsrekryterad
Inlägg: 323
Blev medlem: mån 30 jan 2012, 13:42
Namn: Sebastian Lindeberg

Re: Savage Marches

Inlägg av God45 »

Given that, and taking another look over the injury/incapacitation rules for both Wildcards and Extras, how would you feel about this instead?
Extras who survive Incapacitation must roll on the Injury Table, the same as Wildcards.
Amend the "Success" and "Raise" results on the Incapacitation (SW Deluxe p.68) table to:
Success: Roll on the Injury Table. The Injury goes away when all wounds are healed and you have made at least one successful Natural Healing roll.
Raise: Roll on the Injury Table. The injury goes away in 24 hours, or when all wounds are healed, whichever is longer.
This sounds better :)
“You’d be surprised how often you have to stuff a motherfucker in a big burlap sack.”
Custos Castrorum - Nyckelbärare
Custos Castrorum - Nyckelbärare
Inlägg: 367
Blev medlem: tis 04 dec 2012, 11:50
Namn: Dave Sherohman
Ort: Lund

Re: Savage Marches

Inlägg av nDervish »

OK, Setting Rules page updated with "no Soak" and "minimum Injury recovery time" rules.

Also, how about a history lesson? I just added a timeline page for the game world. With an actual historical timeline in place, I can now call the current year 1094, dating from the establishment of the Ruyami Empire, instead of punting and just calling it "1 AS" (After Silence). :D

I'm thinking about creating a list of languages that characters can learn. Your host would start out with skill in his native language (Ardenian) equal to Smarts, with additional skill points equal to half his Smarts die to use for buying additional language skills. With Smarts d4, that would be just enough to get your native language up to d8 (which is full fluency, per the table on SW Deluxe p.25), while anyone with higher Smarts would be able to pick up one or more additional languages. Songs don't get any free languages, but could buy them normally as Knowledge skills and maybe also absorb one die type of the host's language skills for free every 20xp or something like that. Is anyone opposed to bringing language skills into the game?

The other thing I've been messing with lately is setting up the framework of a megadungeon, to open up that option as well as running around on the surface. I played out a game of How to Host a Dungeon a couple days ago and ended up with what I thought looked like a pretty sparse map, especially since I was thinking in terms of making each area on the map into only a single dungeon level. Last night, I divided them up into zones and actually counted them... I suppose 98 levels is probably big enough to qualify as a decent megadungeon. :D
I post in English, but can read Swedish. When replying to me, either language works.
Användarens profilbild
Auxilia - Tvångsrekryterad
Auxilia - Tvångsrekryterad
Inlägg: 323
Blev medlem: mån 30 jan 2012, 13:42
Namn: Sebastian Lindeberg

Re: Savage Marches

Inlägg av God45 »

Oh my god megadungeon! Want! Yes! Let's do it!!! :D Don't put the opening to far away, I want to got there as soon as possible. :D
“You’d be surprised how often you have to stuff a motherfucker in a big burlap sack.”
Custos Castrorum - Nyckelbärare
Custos Castrorum - Nyckelbärare
Inlägg: 367
Blev medlem: tis 04 dec 2012, 11:50
Namn: Dave Sherohman
Ort: Lund

Re: Savage Marches

Inlägg av nDervish »

God45 skrev:Oh my god megadungeon! Want! Yes! Let's do it!!! :D Don't put the opening to far away, I want to got there as soon as possible. :D
There are currently seven entrances and I've got two more that I want to hook in, but I might need to add a couple new zones for them to go into first...
I post in English, but can read Swedish. When replying to me, either language works.
Custos Castrorum - Nyckelbärare
Custos Castrorum - Nyckelbärare
Inlägg: 367
Blev medlem: tis 04 dec 2012, 11:50
Namn: Dave Sherohman
Ort: Lund

Re: Savage Marches

Inlägg av nDervish »

I've set up a doodle to schedule a time (or times) to play next week at There are options for either 16 or 18 each day, Mon-Fri, and I put in Saturday on general principle, but with no suggested time. I can definitely run one session next week, and can probably manage two if people are up for it. If you have invited players who don't normally follow the forum here, please forward the link to them. If you are someone who hasn't played with us yet, but is reading this anyhow and you'd like to join us, new players are always welcome, so go ahead and sign up on the doodle.

Also, the Languages page is up on Obsidian Portal. Please take a look and let me know which language(s) your host knows. If there are any other languages that you think should be on the list that I didn't include, let me know and I'll find a place for them.
I post in English, but can read Swedish. When replying to me, either language works.

Re: Savage Marches

Inlägg av santoan »

Ardenian on Ghoulwrecker seems to be more logic and fitting :)

But what does the language skills do to our stats?
Custos Castrorum - Nyckelbärare
Custos Castrorum - Nyckelbärare
Inlägg: 367
Blev medlem: tis 04 dec 2012, 11:50
Namn: Dave Sherohman
Ort: Lund

Re: Savage Marches

Inlägg av nDervish »

santoan skrev:Ardenian on Ghoulwrecker seems to be more logic and fitting :)
With Smarts of d6, Ghoulwrecker gets Ardenian d6 automatically and three more points to spend on languages. One point should go into Ardenian to get it up to d8 (full fluency), but the other two can go wherever you want, either getting both Anjai and Kherada at d4 ("can read, write, and speak common words and phrases"), one of them at d6 ("can carry on a prolonged but occasionally halting conversation"), Ruyami at d4 (it costs double because he's not a scholar), or increase Ardenian further to be a very eloquent speaker.
santoan skrev:But what does the language skills do to our stats?
Most of the time, very little. :D

However, Ghoulwrecker has Investigation skill, so he can dig through books for information - provided he can read the language they're written in. If you run across an ancient demonic text, you'll be out of luck until you can either learn demonic or get someone to translate it. (Of course, demonic being what it is, there's also the question of whether the translator remains sane long enough to finish the task...)
I post in English, but can read Swedish. When replying to me, either language works.

Re: Savage Marches

Inlägg av santoan »

Lets get Ardenian to D8 and Ruyami to D4. Is that possible :) ? Or do I have more points to spend?

Im thinking the with Ruyami, I can possibly upgrade my Speed-device if I found any blueprints for it :)
Användarens profilbild
Auxilia - Tvångsrekryterad
Auxilia - Tvångsrekryterad
Inlägg: 323
Blev medlem: mån 30 jan 2012, 13:42
Namn: Sebastian Lindeberg

Re: Savage Marches

Inlägg av God45 »

The coming week looks bad for me because of work so I will probably miss the next session.
“You’d be surprised how often you have to stuff a motherfucker in a big burlap sack.”
Custos Castrorum - Nyckelbärare
Custos Castrorum - Nyckelbärare
Inlägg: 367
Blev medlem: tis 04 dec 2012, 11:50
Namn: Dave Sherohman
Ort: Lund

Re: Savage Marches

Inlägg av nDervish »

santoan skrev:Lets get Ardenian to D8 and Ruyami to D4. Is that possible :) ? Or do I have more points to spend?
Yep, that's possible and it will use all your points.
God45 skrev:The coming week looks bad for me because of work so I will probably miss the next session.
Aw, bummer, dude! How are you going to form an alliance with the orcs if everyone else kills them behind your back?

I'll not be available the following week (a conference in Kiev and a wedding in Poland), so I guess I'll see you sometime week 34 if you can't make it next week.
I post in English, but can read Swedish. When replying to me, either language works.
Användarens profilbild
Auxilia - Tvångsrekryterad
Auxilia - Tvångsrekryterad
Inlägg: 323
Blev medlem: mån 30 jan 2012, 13:42
Namn: Sebastian Lindeberg

Re: Savage Marches

Inlägg av God45 »

Aw, bummer, dude! How are you going to form an alliance with the orcs if everyone else kills them behind your back?

I'll not be available the following week (a conference in Kiev and a wedding in Poland), so I guess I'll see you sometime week 34 if you can't make it next week.
Why am I the voice for Peace and diplomacy? The others are just so blood thirsty ;)

Week 34 is a lot better for me so i`ll see you then. Hope you have a good time at the wedding :)
“You’d be surprised how often you have to stuff a motherfucker in a big burlap sack.”
Custos Castrorum - Nyckelbärare
Custos Castrorum - Nyckelbärare
Inlägg: 367
Blev medlem: tis 04 dec 2012, 11:50
Namn: Dave Sherohman
Ort: Lund

Re: Savage Marches

Inlägg av nDervish »

santoan skrev:Lets get Ardenian to D8 and Ruyami to D4. Is that possible :) ? Or do I have more points to spend?

Im thinking the with Ruyami, I can possibly upgrade my Speed-device if I found any blueprints for it :)
Looks like you're the only one who's responded to the doodle so far, Sal, so I think we should say Monday at 18, since that's when we've most often played in the past, which hopefully means that's when other people are most likely to show up unexpectedly. :)

If it ends up being just the two of us, I can send Cych along with Ghoulwrecker to give you a second Deva for backup. Can you take a look at the map on Obsidian Portal and see if there's somewhere else you'd be interested in checking out? (I've added a bunch more markers to the map lately, so there are sure to be some places there that you haven't read about yet...) We definitely can still head down to Close Inn and hunt for orcs with just Ghoulwrecker and Cych, but I figure it might be more appropriate if some of the people who took part in the first expedition to Close Inn were around for the second.
I post in English, but can read Swedish. When replying to me, either language works.
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Auctoritas - Moderator
Auctoritas - Moderator
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Blev medlem: sön 25 feb 2007, 15:12
Namn: Filip Danielsson
Ort: Skobojden

Re: Savage Marches

Inlägg av Arcturus »

On my part it's still very uncertain which days (if any) that i can play next week which is why i haven't filled in any of the dates. Unfortunately this is not going to change reliably. :(
To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence
Supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without having to fight
Custos Castrorum - Nyckelbärare
Custos Castrorum - Nyckelbärare
Inlägg: 367
Blev medlem: tis 04 dec 2012, 11:50
Namn: Dave Sherohman
Ort: Lund

Re: Savage Marches

Inlägg av nDervish »

Arcturus skrev:On my part it's still very uncertain which days (if any) that i can play next week which is why i haven't filled in any of the dates. Unfortunately this is not going to change reliably. :(
Ugh. It definitely sucks to have undefined obligations on your time like that. Good luck on surviving it and I hope you'll be able to join us sometime soon!
I post in English, but can read Swedish. When replying to me, either language works.

Re: Savage Marches

Inlägg av santoan »

I'd prefer being more than just the two of us Dave. I kinda like being in a bigger group when playing ^_^
Custos Castrorum - Nyckelbärare
Custos Castrorum - Nyckelbärare
Inlägg: 367
Blev medlem: tis 04 dec 2012, 11:50
Namn: Dave Sherohman
Ort: Lund

Re: Savage Marches

Inlägg av nDervish »

santoan skrev:I'd prefer being more than just the two of us Dave. I kinda like being in a bigger group when playing ^_^
Agreed, that's definitely preferable. Should we just skip this week, then, and plan to play again v.34?
I post in English, but can read Swedish. When replying to me, either language works.

Re: Savage Marches

Inlägg av santoan »

Indeed. That would give us all some more time to assamble :)
Custos Castrorum - Nyckelbärare
Custos Castrorum - Nyckelbärare
Inlägg: 367
Blev medlem: tis 04 dec 2012, 11:50
Namn: Dave Sherohman
Ort: Lund

Re: Savage Marches

Inlägg av nDervish »

New doodle is up for v.34-35 at

I'll also be creating another doodle for a Hellfrost one-shot, which will be posted in the speltestsgruppen thread later today. I encourage all of you to also sign up for that and, depending on how it goes, we can talk afterward about whether we want to continue with Savage Marches, Hellfrost, or both.
I post in English, but can read Swedish. When replying to me, either language works.

Re: Savage Marches

Inlägg av santoan »

Sounds like a plan!
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