Jag vill köra en Dark sun one-shot nu på måndag (den 16:e december) och jag söker spelare. Vi kommer börja spela kl 18.00. Systemet kommer vara AD&D med lite husregler (uppåtgående AC är så mycket lättare!). Inga förkunskaper behövs, anmäl dig i tråden bara om du vill spela
I want to run a Dark sun one-shot now on monday (the 16:th of december) and I am looking for players. We will begin playing at 6 pm. The system will be AD&D with house rules (ascending AC for the win!). You need no prior experience with the setting or the rules. Just post in this thread if you are interested in playing
“You’d be surprised how often you have to stuff a motherfucker in a big burlap sack.”
Rekreativc skrev:No idea what dark sun one is, but yeah sure, I'm sure I can take it . See you there!
Nice See you monday
Dark sun is post-apocalyptic fantasy where magic have destroyed the planet and the only civilisation left is controlled by the evil wizard gods that destroyed the planet. There is almost no water, the world is a wasteland filled with monsters and things like canibalism and slavery are common.
But the player characters are all badasses, made harder by living in such an awful place and they have a chance to make thing better.
Also you can play a giant bug person that think elf flesh tastes like candy
“You’d be surprised how often you have to stuff a motherfucker in a big burlap sack.”