- bladerunner_35
- Auxilia - Tvångsrekryterad
- Inlägg: 1196
- Blev medlem: lör 31 mar 2007, 12:08
- Namn: Björn Söderström
- Ort: Landskrona
- Kontakt:
Smidigt men nej, det var inte det som hindrade pokern. Det hade varit kul att spela både min fru och jag samtidigt för en gångs skull men eftersom hon inte vill bli medlem faller det hela. Själv spelar jag gärna poker men just den här veckan blir det väldigt mycket 40K så pokern får vänta lite.
Medlemskapet verkar fixa sig med hjäp av Elrik men tackar för upplysningen bengtslaanesh.
Medlemskapet verkar fixa sig med hjäp av Elrik men tackar för upplysningen bengtslaanesh.
"There is nothing else. Existence is random, has no pattern save what we imagine after staring at it to long."
The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt.
The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt.
Nu hoppas jag verkligen att jag och Bladerunner kommer få tillgång till lokalen på torsdag. Tänkte spela på DMF idag med en kompis vid 1 tiden och möttes av "lokalen öppen välkomna" skylten och en låst dörr. Efter att ha frusit häcken av oss en stund ringde jag först Erik eftersom han var den enda jag hade numret till och sen Pär och ytterligare en person som inte svara. Sluta med att vi fick ta oss till SPEL butiken på clemenstorget som suger totalt att spela i, eftersom alla som hade nycklar till DMF inte kunde ta sig dit och öppna lokalen pga olika anledningar.
Eftersom både jag och Peter som båda tänker bli medlemmar är planeringsmänniskor som måste ta oss till Lund med bil och tåg så funkar det inte riktigt att ringa en timme i förväg och kolla om någon är där och sen sitta och vänta till någon medlem tar sig dit och låser upp.
Skulle ni inte kunna ha något slags system för öppnandet av lokalen eller att man ringer och säger till dagen innan att man kommer en viss tid och får bekräftat att någon kommer öppna eller? Annars är det rysk roulett varje gång man ska in och spela ju. Eller att de medlemmar som har tillgång till nycklar kommer överens veckovis om vem som kan öppna lokalen och vara tillgänglig eller nått?
Förlåt om detta lät alltför negativt men har inte hunnit käka än sen frukost och fick parkera bilhelv-et på den där slumparkeringen intill centralstationen som ser ut som en u-lands bollplan för 15kr/timmen.
Eftersom både jag och Peter som båda tänker bli medlemmar är planeringsmänniskor som måste ta oss till Lund med bil och tåg så funkar det inte riktigt att ringa en timme i förväg och kolla om någon är där och sen sitta och vänta till någon medlem tar sig dit och låser upp.
Skulle ni inte kunna ha något slags system för öppnandet av lokalen eller att man ringer och säger till dagen innan att man kommer en viss tid och får bekräftat att någon kommer öppna eller? Annars är det rysk roulett varje gång man ska in och spela ju. Eller att de medlemmar som har tillgång till nycklar kommer överens veckovis om vem som kan öppna lokalen och vara tillgänglig eller nått?
Förlåt om detta lät alltför negativt men har inte hunnit käka än sen frukost och fick parkera bilhelv-et på den där slumparkeringen intill centralstationen som ser ut som en u-lands bollplan för 15kr/timmen.
- wyrmer
- Auxilia - Tvångsrekryterad
- Inlägg: 1556
- Blev medlem: tor 01 mar 2007, 20:17
- Namn: Peter Werner
- Ort: Malmö
Har man inte nyckel själv och vill komma in är det bättre om man försöker att i förväg avtala tid med någon av nyckelbärarna. Att komma in kl 13 en vardag är ganska dödfött eftersom vi som har nyckel också har egna liv att ta hand om.Anatoli skrev:Nu hoppas jag verkligen att jag och Bladerunner kommer få tillgång till lokalen på torsdag. Tänkte spela på DMF idag med en kompis vid 1 tiden och möttes av "lokalen öppen välkomna" skylten och en låst dörr.
Skulle ni inte kunna ha något slags system för öppnandet av lokalen eller att man ringer och säger till dagen innan att man kommer en viss tid och får bekräftat att någon kommer öppna eller? /Alexander
Inom trusten har det diskuterats att försöka hålla lokalen öppen oftare, men samtidigt måste man inse att nyckelbärarna inte på något sätt är avlönade utan tvärtom "bestraffas" med städansvar för privilegiet att ha nyckel.
Har man verkligen planerat att spela en viss tid är det säkrare att annonsera här på forumet efter någon som kan öppna, alternativt ringa folk man känner, men det viktiga är att göra det i god tid. Föreningen består tyvärr inte längre uteslutande av gymnasister, arbetslösa och studenter som inte sköter sina studier. Detta medför också att lokalen, i motsats till förr, tyvärr inte öppen 24 timmar om dygnet.
"What the world needs is more geniuses with humility, there are so few of us left." —Oscar Levant
- Elrik
- Auxilia - Tvångsrekryterad
- Inlägg: 4743
- Blev medlem: lör 03 mar 2007, 11:30
- Namn: Erik Lindholm
- Ort: Banjoland
Lite som werner sa tidigare. Det bästa är att ni hör av er till mig eller någon annan nyckelbärare någon dag i förväg. Jag ska fixa en lista med nyckelbärarnas nummer och mail som vi kanske kan göra "offentlig" här på forumet. Det brukar inte vara något problem att få låna en nyckel.
Ang torsdag. Jag kan vara här och öppna lokalen prick 11.00, men sen måste jag iväg och kommer inte tillbaka förrän vid 13.00 ca.
@ Pärus dom fick det av Chapser vars nummer delades ut av mig
Ang torsdag. Jag kan vara här och öppna lokalen prick 11.00, men sen måste jag iväg och kommer inte tillbaka förrän vid 13.00 ca.
@ Pärus dom fick det av Chapser vars nummer delades ut av mig

Maestro of the lol-orgel.
Den inre röven. /Poesi by Ilg
Den inre röven. /Poesi by Ilg
Jag har fixat torsdagens spel på annat sätt och annan plats så Elrik du behöver inte vänta på oss. Medlemskapet får jag fixa nån annan gång. Troligen en helg om nån vecka.
"Föreningen består tyvärr inte längre uteslutande av gymnasister, arbetslösa och studenter som inte sköter sina studier" - Det måste inte innebära att den som kommer till DMF mitt på dan en vardag tillhör någon av ovanstående kategorier. Eftersom det är påsklov utgick jag ifrån att någon skulle vara där, ringde igår och fick det intrycket iaf...
"Föreningen består tyvärr inte längre uteslutande av gymnasister, arbetslösa och studenter som inte sköter sina studier" - Det måste inte innebära att den som kommer till DMF mitt på dan en vardag tillhör någon av ovanstående kategorier. Eftersom det är påsklov utgick jag ifrån att någon skulle vara där, ringde igår och fick det intrycket iaf...
- Godeye
- Auxilia - Tvångsrekryterad
- Inlägg: 1896
- Blev medlem: sön 11 mar 2007, 17:27
- Namn: Martin
- Ort: Lund
Anatoli: du kanske skulle kunna betala in medlemsavgift på Postgirot.
DMF är en ideell förening som är beroende av ett mycket litet antal medlemmar som gör rubbet. Allt i föreningen handlar alltså om att det lilla antalet gör det mesta för det stora antalet. Det är därför svårt för oss att också ha en öppnande-service till icke-medlemmar.
"Öppettider" är dock helt klart ett problem för oss och något som måste förbättras. Några förslag (som inte bara handlar om att människor ska ta sig ner till lokalen och alltså offra en timme för någon obekant)? Ett förslag är att den som vill komma in på lokalen hämtar nyckeln, hemma hos en kontaktperson, och sedan ansvarar för att lämna tillbaka den (eller lägga den i en låda nere på lokalen då man går eller något sådant).
DMF är en ideell förening som är beroende av ett mycket litet antal medlemmar som gör rubbet. Allt i föreningen handlar alltså om att det lilla antalet gör det mesta för det stora antalet. Det är därför svårt för oss att också ha en öppnande-service till icke-medlemmar.
"Öppettider" är dock helt klart ett problem för oss och något som måste förbättras. Några förslag (som inte bara handlar om att människor ska ta sig ner till lokalen och alltså offra en timme för någon obekant)? Ett förslag är att den som vill komma in på lokalen hämtar nyckeln, hemma hos en kontaktperson, och sedan ansvarar för att lämna tillbaka den (eller lägga den i en låda nere på lokalen då man går eller något sådant).
Senast redigerad av Godeye den ons 04 apr 2007, 10:49, redigerad totalt 1 gånger.
Tänka rätt är stort
men tänka fritt är större
men tänka fritt är större
Jag skulle kunna betala in över internet banken, har Swedbank (fd FSB) om det skulle funka? Skulle det funka att få medlemskortet hemskickat med post isåfall?
Om DMF har ett bankkonto så maila mig kontonumret på "" så sätter jag in min medlemsavgift. Så mailar jag tillbaks min adress ifall det skulle gå att skicka medlemskortet med post.
Är din avatar Drizzt Do'Urden från icewind dale böckerna eller en vanlig Dark elf?
Om DMF har ett bankkonto så maila mig kontonumret på "" så sätter jag in min medlemsavgift. Så mailar jag tillbaks min adress ifall det skulle gå att skicka medlemskortet med post.
Är din avatar Drizzt Do'Urden från icewind dale böckerna eller en vanlig Dark elf?
- Godeye
- Auxilia - Tvångsrekryterad
- Inlägg: 1896
- Blev medlem: sön 11 mar 2007, 17:27
- Namn: Martin
- Ort: Lund
Det är Drizzt...Anatoli skrev:Jag skulle kunna betala in över internet banken, har Swedbank (fd FSB) om det skulle funka? Skulle det funka att få medlemskortet hemskickat med post isåfall?
Om DMF har ett bankkonto så maila mig kontonumret på "" så sätter jag in min medlemsavgift. Så mailar jag tillbaks min adress ifall det skulle gå att skicka medlemskortet med post.
Är din avatar Drizzt Do'Urden från icewind dale böckerna eller en vanlig Dark elf?
Senast redigerad av Godeye den ons 04 apr 2007, 12:02, redigerad totalt 1 gånger.
Tänka rätt är stort
men tänka fritt är större
men tänka fritt är större
Faktum är att jag är rätt insnöad på 40k har samlat ett par år men först nu dom senaste 2 åren har jag fåt ars-t ur vagnen och börjat spela. Har 4000+pts Imperial guard och 2000+ Eldar. För övrigt så spelar jag inte så mycket, möjligen Texad Hold'em. Har inte så supermycket tid att sätta mig in i annat och får se hur det blir inom den snara framtiden. Har haft en lucka 2 månader men möjligt att jag får ett jobb i Uppsala i slutet av april så då blir man omplacerad till "the gaming badlands" typ 

Senast redigerad av Anatoli den fre 06 apr 2007, 19:33, redigerad totalt 1 gånger.
- bladerunner_35
- Auxilia - Tvångsrekryterad
- Inlägg: 1196
- Blev medlem: lör 31 mar 2007, 12:08
- Namn: Björn Söderström
- Ort: Landskrona
- Kontakt:
För den som är intresserad är här våran "battle report" för vårat 4000-pängsslag igår. Det är Anatoli som skrivit den. Lite mer info och funderingar kring matchen finns på Spels forum för den som är extra intresserad. Håll till godo.
++++M41 Planet Nemesis Tessera Cardinal World neighbouring with Cadia and the Eye of Terror++++
Battle for the former industrial city Yarvis.
Distress call from Nemesis Tessera reached the Cadian system only days after the first Chaos attacks started. Armies of Grandfather Nurgle descended upon Cardinal home world with force, soon overwhelming the defences and pushing the scarce armies of the Imperium back to the populated areas of the cities where violent city fights raged for five weeks until the first Cadian reinforcements arrived. By then more then half the imperial garrison had turned traitor and joined the chaos gods, spread thin the Sisters Of Battle relied on the Imperial Guard to protect the ancient relics within Yarvis.

The Ratling squad sneaks into the centre of town and sets up position so they can snipe anyone coming close to the southern relic. The Chaos Kroot set up on the far southern flank. The Kasrkin Stormtroopers dig in opposite of the Kroot on the southern flank.

TURN 1 Imperial Guard & SoB: Night fight!
Early morning. It’s still too dark to operate safely on a large scale so the Imperial senior officer gives the order to bombard the Chaos battle lines and await dawn before launching the first assault. The massive VIIth armoured company digs in and listens to the artillery shells passing over their heads and exploding far away into the darkness. Suddenly a ball of flame Is seen far away on the northern flank, the Imperial Guard Basilisk had successfully hit the traitor Basilisk with a shell crippling its Earthshaker cannon. The mortar teams fired randomly but according to forward scouts only killed 3 of the Chaos Kroot.
TURN 1 Death Guard & Lost and the Damned: Night fight!
Using the cover of the dark the 49th Death Guard Cohort and the traitors move out. The Kroot sneak along the crater filled landscape to the south moving closer to the soft flank of the Imperials. Plague zombies walk through ruins and rubble, making eerie sounds. Their rotting and disfigured lips uttered only one word repeatedly -“braiiins”. The traitor guardsmen moved from cover to cover towards the Imperial line preparing ambushes. Traitor sentinel scouts spot the Ratlings inside the ruined building close to the southern objective, firing their weapons killing 3 of the little snipers before climbing the rubble and engaging them in close combat!
The traitor Basilisk moves out, damaged as it is its purpose now is to provide cover for the advancing traitor squad to the north.

TURN 2 Imperial Guard & SoB
Finally dawn! Seeing clearly the Imperial Guard starts to move slowly, like an awaking giant. Mortars bombard the advancing horde while Stormtroopers try to slow down the Kroot moving towards them. The Hellhound and a Chimera transporting a squad of Ogryns drive into the advancing chaos horde. The Ogryns disembark into safely behind the protective hull of the Chimera and Hellhound. The Hellhound turns the Inferno Cannon towards the Plague Zombies incinerating a couple of the wandering corpses. Meanwhile to the north some of the Guard squads move into better firing positions.
Seeing that the traitor Basilisk had left its cover the Demolisher commander ordered his gunner to blow the crippled vehicle back to grandfather Nurgle using the Demolisher cannon. Scoring a hit the crippled traitor Basilisk turns into a wreck. With daylight finaly to lend them line of sight the Guardsmen watches in horror a wall of Plague Zombies and Nurglings moving towads the northern relic. Trying to stop them the Salamander tank fires all of its weapons but only succeeds to cut down 1 Plague Zombie. A command squad including a Lascannon fries another Plague Zombie.
TURN 2 Death Guard & LotD
Succeeding with the summoning the chaos horde of Nurgle spawn forth a large group of Plaguebearers !
Boosted in numbers the rotting horde marches onward. The traitor sentinel squad successfully eliminate their Ratling victims and consolidate into a nearby Battle sister squad locking them in combat, preventing them from firing their heavy flamer and meltagun and killing 2 sisters. Watching the Sentinels fighting the sisters raises the bloodlust within the Chaos general Sorcerer Lord of Nurgle. He plunges into the battle killing another 4 of the sisters with his power weapon. The Battle sister squad defends itself using a faith point and “hand of the emperor” striking with initiative 1 but strength 5 they inflict one wound on the Sorcerer.
A squad of Plague marines fire their plasma guns at the Hellhound nearby, missing with every shot taken at it.
Meanwhile to the north the chaos dreadnaught fires its twin linked lascannons and havoc launcher at the Sister of Battle HQ ripping apart 4 Celestians. Moving cautiously the traitor Leman Russ parks itself behind a ruin and take aim with its lascannon, firing at the Demolisher but the shot goes wide and misses it.
Units from the chaos horde both to the north and to the south manage to claim 2 Victory pts by holding both of the relics.

TURN 3 Imperial Guard & SOB
Finally the battle is on its way and both side are within shooting range with their infantry units. The Imperial Basilisk fires away a projectile at the Chaos dreadnaught at the northern square missing it but killing 3 Plague marines and one Plague zombie as it scatters into their squads.
Seeing that the traitors occupied the bunker in from of him the Demolisher commander orders the demolisher cannon to fire at it. Scoring 13 while needing 14 to breach the bunker he accomplishes nothing but the mocking laughs from the traitors within.
A squad with Catachans that had set up an ambush in the previous turn now jumped out from behind the factory to fry some of the advancing Kroot with a flamer and kill a couple more with their lasguns. Still not halting the beasts the Stormtroopers fired with every man, scoring hits with hell guns as well as meltagun and grenade launcher finally breaking the pack of Kroot into a wild retreat and thus securing the southern flank of the Imperial Army. Mortar squads bombarded the Chaos troops near the relics and a LOT of guardsmen fired their lasguns into the smoke resulting in great casualty ratings among both the Plague zombie as well as the Nurgling squads.
The Imperial commanders Chimera transport drove thru the mayhem and halted in front of the traitor Leman Russ tank. The HQ command squad jumped out and the Meltagunner fired his weapon from within 3” allowing double D6 for armour penetration, but fails to penetrate its front armour! After having received a hateful look from both commander and the accompanying Comissar the Senior Officer alas Imperial General used a melt bomb on the tank successfully destroying it in the name of the Emperor!
TURN 3 Death Guard & LatD
3 Obliterators deep strike successfully onto the roof of the old factory having a perfect line of sight on the main Imperial battle line!
The servants of Nurgle move close with even more troops towards the relics. A rhino transport moves through difficult terrain and gets broken ending Immobilized on a street corner. The chaos Dreadnaught fires with all its guns once again into the SoB HQ squad, but only killing 1 Celestian. A traitor squad had set up a nice ambush in the previous turn and now they fired their missile launcher at the Hellhound destroying it with ease.
Standing on the rooftop the Obliterators take their time to search for an appropriate target, not far from their position they can see a Imperial Leman Russ turret standing out from behind cover. With a successful barrage of massed fire they manage to destroy the turret crippling the tank of its main weaponry. Also near the southern relic things soon turned from bad to worse for the Imperials as Plague bearers charged the Ogryn squad moving to help the Sisters of Battle. The Plague bearers inflict 4 wounds killing one Ogryn, in return the Ogryns only manage to score one successful hit leaving them with only one Plague bearer dead. Failing their leadership test they break to flee but as the Plague bearers gain initiative the WHOLE Ogryn squad is annihilated in a sweeping advance! A squad of favoured Possessed of Nurgle enter the large building in the centre of town giving them a nice view of both relics.
A mass of Nurglings move into the Imperial Sentinels standing near the southern relic forcing them into close combat and preventing them from being a scoring unit. The Battle sister squad fighting the 3 traitor Sentinels and the Sorcerer Lord valiantly keep their ground. Leaving them with only 4 (out of 12) survivors.

TURN 4 Imperial Guard & SOB
The many squads of Imperial Guardsmen move out from cover and start advancing towards the northern relic seeing that the opposition is softened by 3 turns of fire. The Imperial Basilisk score a hit on the Chaos Dreadnaught walking around in the open to the north and immobilizes it.
Taking aim at the roof bound Obliterators both Catachans and Stormtroopers take aim and fire at the massive chaos beasts inflicting only 1 wound with a meltagun. Determined to destroy the bunker held bunker the Demolisher fires a second round and smashes the whole structure turning it into a pile of rubble. Imperial Guardsmen fire into the dust cloud to finish of the traitors but fails to repel them leaving them pinned.
Countless Imperial Guardsmen to the north now fire their lasguns at the one and only Plague marine squad in sight . The combined lasgun/mortar fire kills a lot of Nurglings, Plague marines and Plague zombies, clearing the area around the northern relic from Chaos scoring units.
After having struggled for 3 turns the Battle sister squad finally gives in to the overwhelming Chaos attacks. After 3 more sisters die trying to hold their ground a lone survivor breaks and runs away. Escaping further fire from the street level the SoB HQ led by a Canoness runs into the building now occupied by a squad of Favoured possessed of Nurgle, firing all their weapons they manage to kill 3 of them.
The Imperials score 1 Victory pt for holding the northern relic.
TURN 4 Death Guard & LatD
With every close combat going well but their regular infantry facing staggering casualties the forces of Nurgle charge out with everything they have. A squad of Plague marines attack the Chimera with 2 Plasma guns, managing to destroy it with 3 shots. The traitor Sentinels to the south now not engaged in combat with the Battle sister squad take aim with all their guns on the Basilisk that had caused so much damage to the chaos battle line. Unfortunately they manage to do nothing against its front armour with the scoring hits.
The Favoured possessed of Nurgle launch a counterattack at the Celestian squad led by the Canoness, repaying them for the 3 casualties in the previous turn. Soon they are joined by the chaos Sorcerer Lord of Nurgle too, waving his hand he turns the Canoness INTO A CHAOS SPAWN! How humiliating for one of such faithful and devoted to the Emperor. Ending the farce the Sorcerer Lord finishes the Celestians still alive, wiping out the SoB HQ completely.

TURN 5 Imperial Guard & SOB
Things looked grim on the southern flank while brighter on the northern one for the Imperials. With both SoB squads gone the South flank was vulnerable to the hard hitting close combat specialists of the Nurgle horde.
Trying to at least shoot as many of the chaos spawns back to the warp the Imperials took aim at everything that moved within their shooting range. Mortars fired into a ruined building housing a traitor squad killing 3 of them.
The other Mortar squad didn’t inflict any damage to the chaos lines. The Imperial HQ squad fired at the remnants of the Plague marine squad killing the last 2 of them. The Imperial commanders Chimera transport fired allt its guns including a Hunter Killer missile at the chaos Dreadnaught but to no avail. The cursed machine although immobilized survived the barrage of fire yet another turn to mess with the advancing guardsmen the coming turn. The Imperial Basilisk hiding amidst some ruins seemingly runs out of targets to the north, being to close to fire indirectly at anything nearby the crew try to fire at the Chaos Lord to the south thinking he might as well be just outside the minimum range but he is too close and the shot I lost.
Guardsmen to the North finally manage to break the chaos units killing Nurglins and Plague Zombies alike. Clearing the vicinity of the relic from Chaos infantry. The Imperial Leman Russ with its destroyed main turret turns around to face the traitor Sentinel squadron that had inflicted so much mischief. Firing its heavy bolter sponsons and hull mounted lascannon 2 traitor Sentinels become destroyed and the last one get its weapon destroyed.
TURN 5 Death Guard & LatD
At last and somewhat too late the Chaos Terminators deep strike onto the battlefield above the northern relic. Firing their guns from within a ruined building they cut down a couple of guardsmen preventing their squad to be scoring. Traitor guardsmen rush out from the building in the town centre alongside the Favoured possessed of Nurgle and the chaos general, Sorcerer Lord of Nurgle. They all attack the Imperial Guardsmen squads on the street near the relic, cutting down enough troops to prevent any further scoring units to capture the relic.
The Chaos Dreadnaught having withstood artillery, infantry and tank fire had reason to be angry. Firing its weapons at the Imperial Salamander tank and although not destroying it leaving the tank immobilized.
To the south all hope was lost as the Guard infantry units that assaulted the relic were all wiped out. The Imperial Sentinels got charged by the remaining Plague marines. The Sentinels stomped one Plague marine to death and were repaid with a power fist attack that stunned one of the vehicles.
The Sorcerer Lord charged the last scoring unit near the Relic to the north ensuring no more victory pts would be added to the Imperial army.

TURN 6 ++++Transmission Lost++++
Contact lost with both armies after a massive lightning storm hit the area. The last recording of the situation was that the Chaos horde had seized 3 relic Vicotry pts while the Imperial Guard had only seized 1. Nevertheless the Imperial army managed to inflict a blow to the invading forces and achieved 3 Victory pts for wiping out or decreasing chaos squads below half strength. For this the Imperial army scored 3 Victory pts. The chaos scored 2pts for similar actions.
Total stats:
The Imperial VIIth armoured company suffered 1234pts worth of casualties
Some of the dead Imperial Guard units although data is incomplete:
Canoness and her Celestian bodyguard forming one HQ
Ratlings Squad
Ogryn Squad with Chimera transport
Battle sister squad (below 50%)
The 49th Death Guard Cohort and their traitor allies suffered 1672pts worth of casualties
Some of the dead Death Guard units although data is incomplete:
Plague Zombies
Plague Marines
Traitor Basilisk
Traitor Leman Russ
2 Traitor Sentinels
++++M41 Planet Nemesis Tessera Cardinal World neighbouring with Cadia and the Eye of Terror++++
Battle for the former industrial city Yarvis.
Distress call from Nemesis Tessera reached the Cadian system only days after the first Chaos attacks started. Armies of Grandfather Nurgle descended upon Cardinal home world with force, soon overwhelming the defences and pushing the scarce armies of the Imperium back to the populated areas of the cities where violent city fights raged for five weeks until the first Cadian reinforcements arrived. By then more then half the imperial garrison had turned traitor and joined the chaos gods, spread thin the Sisters Of Battle relied on the Imperial Guard to protect the ancient relics within Yarvis.

The Ratling squad sneaks into the centre of town and sets up position so they can snipe anyone coming close to the southern relic. The Chaos Kroot set up on the far southern flank. The Kasrkin Stormtroopers dig in opposite of the Kroot on the southern flank.

TURN 1 Imperial Guard & SoB: Night fight!
Early morning. It’s still too dark to operate safely on a large scale so the Imperial senior officer gives the order to bombard the Chaos battle lines and await dawn before launching the first assault. The massive VIIth armoured company digs in and listens to the artillery shells passing over their heads and exploding far away into the darkness. Suddenly a ball of flame Is seen far away on the northern flank, the Imperial Guard Basilisk had successfully hit the traitor Basilisk with a shell crippling its Earthshaker cannon. The mortar teams fired randomly but according to forward scouts only killed 3 of the Chaos Kroot.
TURN 1 Death Guard & Lost and the Damned: Night fight!
Using the cover of the dark the 49th Death Guard Cohort and the traitors move out. The Kroot sneak along the crater filled landscape to the south moving closer to the soft flank of the Imperials. Plague zombies walk through ruins and rubble, making eerie sounds. Their rotting and disfigured lips uttered only one word repeatedly -“braiiins”. The traitor guardsmen moved from cover to cover towards the Imperial line preparing ambushes. Traitor sentinel scouts spot the Ratlings inside the ruined building close to the southern objective, firing their weapons killing 3 of the little snipers before climbing the rubble and engaging them in close combat!
The traitor Basilisk moves out, damaged as it is its purpose now is to provide cover for the advancing traitor squad to the north.

TURN 2 Imperial Guard & SoB
Finally dawn! Seeing clearly the Imperial Guard starts to move slowly, like an awaking giant. Mortars bombard the advancing horde while Stormtroopers try to slow down the Kroot moving towards them. The Hellhound and a Chimera transporting a squad of Ogryns drive into the advancing chaos horde. The Ogryns disembark into safely behind the protective hull of the Chimera and Hellhound. The Hellhound turns the Inferno Cannon towards the Plague Zombies incinerating a couple of the wandering corpses. Meanwhile to the north some of the Guard squads move into better firing positions.
Seeing that the traitor Basilisk had left its cover the Demolisher commander ordered his gunner to blow the crippled vehicle back to grandfather Nurgle using the Demolisher cannon. Scoring a hit the crippled traitor Basilisk turns into a wreck. With daylight finaly to lend them line of sight the Guardsmen watches in horror a wall of Plague Zombies and Nurglings moving towads the northern relic. Trying to stop them the Salamander tank fires all of its weapons but only succeeds to cut down 1 Plague Zombie. A command squad including a Lascannon fries another Plague Zombie.
TURN 2 Death Guard & LotD
Succeeding with the summoning the chaos horde of Nurgle spawn forth a large group of Plaguebearers !
Boosted in numbers the rotting horde marches onward. The traitor sentinel squad successfully eliminate their Ratling victims and consolidate into a nearby Battle sister squad locking them in combat, preventing them from firing their heavy flamer and meltagun and killing 2 sisters. Watching the Sentinels fighting the sisters raises the bloodlust within the Chaos general Sorcerer Lord of Nurgle. He plunges into the battle killing another 4 of the sisters with his power weapon. The Battle sister squad defends itself using a faith point and “hand of the emperor” striking with initiative 1 but strength 5 they inflict one wound on the Sorcerer.
A squad of Plague marines fire their plasma guns at the Hellhound nearby, missing with every shot taken at it.
Meanwhile to the north the chaos dreadnaught fires its twin linked lascannons and havoc launcher at the Sister of Battle HQ ripping apart 4 Celestians. Moving cautiously the traitor Leman Russ parks itself behind a ruin and take aim with its lascannon, firing at the Demolisher but the shot goes wide and misses it.
Units from the chaos horde both to the north and to the south manage to claim 2 Victory pts by holding both of the relics.

TURN 3 Imperial Guard & SOB
Finally the battle is on its way and both side are within shooting range with their infantry units. The Imperial Basilisk fires away a projectile at the Chaos dreadnaught at the northern square missing it but killing 3 Plague marines and one Plague zombie as it scatters into their squads.
Seeing that the traitors occupied the bunker in from of him the Demolisher commander orders the demolisher cannon to fire at it. Scoring 13 while needing 14 to breach the bunker he accomplishes nothing but the mocking laughs from the traitors within.
A squad with Catachans that had set up an ambush in the previous turn now jumped out from behind the factory to fry some of the advancing Kroot with a flamer and kill a couple more with their lasguns. Still not halting the beasts the Stormtroopers fired with every man, scoring hits with hell guns as well as meltagun and grenade launcher finally breaking the pack of Kroot into a wild retreat and thus securing the southern flank of the Imperial Army. Mortar squads bombarded the Chaos troops near the relics and a LOT of guardsmen fired their lasguns into the smoke resulting in great casualty ratings among both the Plague zombie as well as the Nurgling squads.
The Imperial commanders Chimera transport drove thru the mayhem and halted in front of the traitor Leman Russ tank. The HQ command squad jumped out and the Meltagunner fired his weapon from within 3” allowing double D6 for armour penetration, but fails to penetrate its front armour! After having received a hateful look from both commander and the accompanying Comissar the Senior Officer alas Imperial General used a melt bomb on the tank successfully destroying it in the name of the Emperor!
TURN 3 Death Guard & LatD
3 Obliterators deep strike successfully onto the roof of the old factory having a perfect line of sight on the main Imperial battle line!
The servants of Nurgle move close with even more troops towards the relics. A rhino transport moves through difficult terrain and gets broken ending Immobilized on a street corner. The chaos Dreadnaught fires with all its guns once again into the SoB HQ squad, but only killing 1 Celestian. A traitor squad had set up a nice ambush in the previous turn and now they fired their missile launcher at the Hellhound destroying it with ease.
Standing on the rooftop the Obliterators take their time to search for an appropriate target, not far from their position they can see a Imperial Leman Russ turret standing out from behind cover. With a successful barrage of massed fire they manage to destroy the turret crippling the tank of its main weaponry. Also near the southern relic things soon turned from bad to worse for the Imperials as Plague bearers charged the Ogryn squad moving to help the Sisters of Battle. The Plague bearers inflict 4 wounds killing one Ogryn, in return the Ogryns only manage to score one successful hit leaving them with only one Plague bearer dead. Failing their leadership test they break to flee but as the Plague bearers gain initiative the WHOLE Ogryn squad is annihilated in a sweeping advance! A squad of favoured Possessed of Nurgle enter the large building in the centre of town giving them a nice view of both relics.
A mass of Nurglings move into the Imperial Sentinels standing near the southern relic forcing them into close combat and preventing them from being a scoring unit. The Battle sister squad fighting the 3 traitor Sentinels and the Sorcerer Lord valiantly keep their ground. Leaving them with only 4 (out of 12) survivors.

TURN 4 Imperial Guard & SOB
The many squads of Imperial Guardsmen move out from cover and start advancing towards the northern relic seeing that the opposition is softened by 3 turns of fire. The Imperial Basilisk score a hit on the Chaos Dreadnaught walking around in the open to the north and immobilizes it.
Taking aim at the roof bound Obliterators both Catachans and Stormtroopers take aim and fire at the massive chaos beasts inflicting only 1 wound with a meltagun. Determined to destroy the bunker held bunker the Demolisher fires a second round and smashes the whole structure turning it into a pile of rubble. Imperial Guardsmen fire into the dust cloud to finish of the traitors but fails to repel them leaving them pinned.
Countless Imperial Guardsmen to the north now fire their lasguns at the one and only Plague marine squad in sight . The combined lasgun/mortar fire kills a lot of Nurglings, Plague marines and Plague zombies, clearing the area around the northern relic from Chaos scoring units.
After having struggled for 3 turns the Battle sister squad finally gives in to the overwhelming Chaos attacks. After 3 more sisters die trying to hold their ground a lone survivor breaks and runs away. Escaping further fire from the street level the SoB HQ led by a Canoness runs into the building now occupied by a squad of Favoured possessed of Nurgle, firing all their weapons they manage to kill 3 of them.
The Imperials score 1 Victory pt for holding the northern relic.
TURN 4 Death Guard & LatD
With every close combat going well but their regular infantry facing staggering casualties the forces of Nurgle charge out with everything they have. A squad of Plague marines attack the Chimera with 2 Plasma guns, managing to destroy it with 3 shots. The traitor Sentinels to the south now not engaged in combat with the Battle sister squad take aim with all their guns on the Basilisk that had caused so much damage to the chaos battle line. Unfortunately they manage to do nothing against its front armour with the scoring hits.
The Favoured possessed of Nurgle launch a counterattack at the Celestian squad led by the Canoness, repaying them for the 3 casualties in the previous turn. Soon they are joined by the chaos Sorcerer Lord of Nurgle too, waving his hand he turns the Canoness INTO A CHAOS SPAWN! How humiliating for one of such faithful and devoted to the Emperor. Ending the farce the Sorcerer Lord finishes the Celestians still alive, wiping out the SoB HQ completely.

TURN 5 Imperial Guard & SOB
Things looked grim on the southern flank while brighter on the northern one for the Imperials. With both SoB squads gone the South flank was vulnerable to the hard hitting close combat specialists of the Nurgle horde.
Trying to at least shoot as many of the chaos spawns back to the warp the Imperials took aim at everything that moved within their shooting range. Mortars fired into a ruined building housing a traitor squad killing 3 of them.
The other Mortar squad didn’t inflict any damage to the chaos lines. The Imperial HQ squad fired at the remnants of the Plague marine squad killing the last 2 of them. The Imperial commanders Chimera transport fired allt its guns including a Hunter Killer missile at the chaos Dreadnaught but to no avail. The cursed machine although immobilized survived the barrage of fire yet another turn to mess with the advancing guardsmen the coming turn. The Imperial Basilisk hiding amidst some ruins seemingly runs out of targets to the north, being to close to fire indirectly at anything nearby the crew try to fire at the Chaos Lord to the south thinking he might as well be just outside the minimum range but he is too close and the shot I lost.
Guardsmen to the North finally manage to break the chaos units killing Nurglins and Plague Zombies alike. Clearing the vicinity of the relic from Chaos infantry. The Imperial Leman Russ with its destroyed main turret turns around to face the traitor Sentinel squadron that had inflicted so much mischief. Firing its heavy bolter sponsons and hull mounted lascannon 2 traitor Sentinels become destroyed and the last one get its weapon destroyed.
TURN 5 Death Guard & LatD
At last and somewhat too late the Chaos Terminators deep strike onto the battlefield above the northern relic. Firing their guns from within a ruined building they cut down a couple of guardsmen preventing their squad to be scoring. Traitor guardsmen rush out from the building in the town centre alongside the Favoured possessed of Nurgle and the chaos general, Sorcerer Lord of Nurgle. They all attack the Imperial Guardsmen squads on the street near the relic, cutting down enough troops to prevent any further scoring units to capture the relic.
The Chaos Dreadnaught having withstood artillery, infantry and tank fire had reason to be angry. Firing its weapons at the Imperial Salamander tank and although not destroying it leaving the tank immobilized.
To the south all hope was lost as the Guard infantry units that assaulted the relic were all wiped out. The Imperial Sentinels got charged by the remaining Plague marines. The Sentinels stomped one Plague marine to death and were repaid with a power fist attack that stunned one of the vehicles.
The Sorcerer Lord charged the last scoring unit near the Relic to the north ensuring no more victory pts would be added to the Imperial army.

TURN 6 ++++Transmission Lost++++
Contact lost with both armies after a massive lightning storm hit the area. The last recording of the situation was that the Chaos horde had seized 3 relic Vicotry pts while the Imperial Guard had only seized 1. Nevertheless the Imperial army managed to inflict a blow to the invading forces and achieved 3 Victory pts for wiping out or decreasing chaos squads below half strength. For this the Imperial army scored 3 Victory pts. The chaos scored 2pts for similar actions.
Total stats:
The Imperial VIIth armoured company suffered 1234pts worth of casualties
Some of the dead Imperial Guard units although data is incomplete:
Canoness and her Celestian bodyguard forming one HQ
Ratlings Squad
Ogryn Squad with Chimera transport
Battle sister squad (below 50%)
The 49th Death Guard Cohort and their traitor allies suffered 1672pts worth of casualties
Some of the dead Death Guard units although data is incomplete:
Plague Zombies
Plague Marines
Traitor Basilisk
Traitor Leman Russ
2 Traitor Sentinels
"There is nothing else. Existence is random, has no pattern save what we imagine after staring at it to long."
The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt.
The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt.
- bladerunner_35
- Auxilia - Tvångsrekryterad
- Inlägg: 1196
- Blev medlem: lör 31 mar 2007, 12:08
- Namn: Björn Söderström
- Ort: Landskrona
- Kontakt:
Något jag skulle vilja göra är att spela ett enormt slag över två eller tre brädor (beroende på hur många ni har). Med tre brädor och två lag om tre spelare á 4000 poäng kan vi komma upp i 24 000 poäng!!!
Vilken event det skulle kunna bli, även med mer ödmjuka 2000 per spelare väger det fortfarande in på 12 000 poäng. Jag får ta och bli medlem snart så jag kan få access till de riktiga forumen för mer brainstorming.
Glad annandag.
Något jag skulle vilja göra är att spela ett enormt slag över två eller tre brädor (beroende på hur många ni har). Med tre brädor och två lag om tre spelare á 4000 poäng kan vi komma upp i 24 000 poäng!!!
Vilken event det skulle kunna bli, även med mer ödmjuka 2000 per spelare väger det fortfarande in på 12 000 poäng. Jag får ta och bli medlem snart så jag kan få access till de riktiga forumen för mer brainstorming.
Glad annandag.
Senast redigerad av bladerunner_35 den sön 08 apr 2007, 20:04, redigerad totalt 1 gånger.
"There is nothing else. Existence is random, has no pattern save what we imagine after staring at it to long."
The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt.
The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt.
- Ichabod
- Primiscrinius - Huvudadministrator
- Inlägg: 1348
- Blev medlem: lör 24 feb 2007, 01:31
- Namn: Ichabod Svensson
- Ort: Lund
- Kontakt:
Om du gör det kan jag fixa en fast tråd för era "Battle Rapports", mycket bra initiativ!bladerunner_35 skrev:Jag får ta och bli medlem snart så jag kan få access till de riktiga forumen för mer brainstorming.
Hjälp till med utvecklingen av hemsidan på tips för!

"The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one." - George Bernard Shaw

"The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one." - George Bernard Shaw
- bengtslaanesh
- Auxilia - Tvångsrekryterad
- Inlägg: 703
- Blev medlem: mån 12 mar 2007, 23:44
- Namn: Pär Nordlund
- Ort: Solkusten